
Monday, February 8, 2021

Daddy's Long Legs Lizabeth

Meet Daddy's Long Legs Lizabeth

After seeing another collector's impressive Daddy's Long Legs collection and realizing I did not own any children from the original 1990s line, I searched eBay and found Lizabeth. I wanted a girl with a happy disposition and Lizabeth fits that description to a T.

Doesn't she have the most infectious smile?

Made in 1994, Lizabeth is a 12-inch doll with a resin head, body, lower arms and hands, and lower legs and feet. She has cloth upper arms and entire upper legs that dangle. Her painted facial features include brown eyes, a smiling mouth with separately molded teeth with some that are missing and some that have just grown in! She wears a green floral print romper with lace-trimmed cranberry fabric at the upper chest area, white molded-on socks, and black molded-on shoes. Lizabeth's sculpted hair is styled in two thick curly pigtails accented by cranberry ribbons. She'll be installed in DeeBeeGee's Virtual Black Doll Museum along with my other Daddy's Long Legs Dolls soon.

Lizabeth's hangtag contains the Daddy's Long Leg's logo, the year she was made, her name, and KVK, Inc.'s contact information.

Lizabeth arrived with her original box, hangtag, certificate of authenticity, a note that indicates she was packed by Holly, and Karen Germany's story card. Karen Germany is the original designer of Daddy's Long Legs dolls, who recently sold all her archived dolls. If you're like me and missed out on some of the 1990s dolls, browse new listings of Daddy's Long Legs dolls on eBay using this link


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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