
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Barbie Life in the City Lyla - Updated 11.25.22

Barbie Life in the City Lyla comes with a headset, album, album cover, laptop, and puppy.

After seeing Lyla's prototype photos on Facebook, I knew I wanted her. was the place to go to purchase. I waited a couple of days before completing the order because I am a sucker for free shipping, and it took me that length of time to recall something I needed that I could order with Lyla.

Why I am willing to purchase something extra to qualify for free shipping when I know full well that I am falling for the free-shipping hook is a question I can readily answer. I literally want to avoid shipping at all costs. Retailers know they will increase profits from customers who take advantage of the minimum purchase offer to qualify for free shipping. But oh well... I get the doll and other items I "need," so I'm not complaining. 

Lyla wears a graphic T-shirt (a boombox on a bed of roses). The T-shirt is paired with red/yellow/and black check leggings. Black Army-style boots, a silver-studded headband, and a matching silver bracelet complete her look. In addition to the accessories mentioned in the first caption, Lyla also has a blue backpack.

Lyla arrived swiftly. She's not out of the package yet, but I've taken some initial photos to share along with a few headshot comparisons between Lyla and other dolls whose facial structure is similar (the chiseled jawline, in particular). 

Lyla's Army-style boots are visible in this photo captured from the side of the package.

Her brown puppy and a portion of her blue backpack are visible in this photo.

Head Shot Comparisons

Lyla and Claudette have a similar jawline. Claudette's cheekbones appear more defined, but this appearance might be caused by the different angles of their heads in these combined photos. Their nose and lip shapes differ.

Just to be sure of the differences, Lyla posed with another doll that uses the Claudette sculpt, BMR1959 Barbie GNC46. The differences noted above between the two head sculpts are again noted.

Lyla and Pazette's chiseled jawlines are similar; however, Lyla's face, nose, and lips are fuller.
Lyla is compared with Daya (Cheerful Check). Daya's face is fuller, but Lyla's nose and lips are fuller than Daya's. Daya's sculpt usually has an open smile with teeth.

This comparison was taken just to prove that Lyla doesn't look anything like Elle (Barbie Looks #2). These two use two different head sculpts.

Lyla reminds me of so many dolls, but I've concluded that she is a new sculpt with a personality all her own. I will free her soon.

06/30/22 Addendum

At the request of Black Angel, I've added an additional photo comparison below.

Lyla and Zig and Zag (Fashionista #57) compare head sculpts.

06/30/22 To:  Black Angel

While the corners of their mouths curl up the same, I believe the top lips have a different shape. Lyla's top lip has a more outward protrusion than ZiZi's. Lyla's nose is also fuller. The eyes have a different shape. They are different dolls. ZiZi's head has a copyright of 2016. I am told that Lyla's head copyright is 2021. I'll confirm this after I remove her from the box. Thank you for reading the post and for your inquisitive comment. 

7/22/22 To Anonymous, who wanted to know the "head numbers," Lyla's head and back are marked as follows:

Head: ©2021 MATTEL 
Upper Back in silver print: HGX52 / R121 
Lower Back in raised letters: ©2017 Mattel / 1186 MJ, 1, NL / MADE IN INDONESIA

Per request of an anonymous comment on 11/24/22, the following photo is a Lyla and Simone comparison. 

Lyla and Simone comparison photo

Lyla and Simone do not share the same head sculpt. The shapes of their noses and mouths differ. The corners of Lyla's lips are upturned while Simone's are not. Lyla's nose is slightly broader than Simone's. The tip of Simone's nose is thinner. 

Simone's head and body marks are as follows:
Head: ©2021 MATTEL
Lower Back: ©2018 Mattel / 1186 MJ, 1, NL / HBX93 (gold letters) / R091 (gold letters)

In the video at the following link, the YouTuber provides a Lyla and Simone comparison.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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  1. Hello, Thank you for sharing especially the face sculpt comparisons. Could you please compare her face sculpt with Barbie Fashionista #57 Zig Zag doll? Lyla's mouth shape really reminds me of the Barbie Zig Zag Fashionista.

  2. The comparison photo with Zig and Zag has been added to this post for Black Angel.


  3. Thank you so much! This is so informative!! I do highly appreciate the comparison you did on Lyla and Zizi :-D

  4. Hi, hope you re having a good summer.
    Thank you for your words about mockery, I wonder if any academics have made a study of the adult doll collectors and societal expectations. I find myself slightly embarrassed by my new collection and I am a person who is very inclined to let people be themselves, and so I don't know where this internalized shame comes from at all. I am a bargain hunter as well, so maybe it's related to not being wealthy/being of modest means. If I collected vintage jewelry or fashion scarves there wouldn't be an issue, would there?
    I have never loved a doll as much as Lyla! I ordered an Ida B Wells to do a body swap for curvy MTM. She deserves to be able to sit down any way she wants!

  5. Please do not be embarrassed about by what others think about your new collection. Many people cannot comprehend that adults enjoy dolls just as much as children and that dolls are not just playthings. (Some dolls are actually made for adults and not children.) The onus to understand this is on them. We already know.

    Enjoy your dolls to the fullest.


  6. Hi,
    I'm a brazilian collector, and just found your blog, and it's incredible. I'll keep following you S2 Please about Lyla, when u set her free, please could you share with us the number in her back head? Thank you

  7. I am glad you found this blog. Yes, when I set Lyla free, I will share the numbers on the back of her head.

  8. To Unknown from Brazil, I asked someone else who has removed her doll from the box to share Lyla's head mark.

    Lyla's visible head mark is ©2021 MATTEL.

    I hope that's what you needed. There may be some numbers on the rim of her head, but the head would have to be removed to see them, and I cannot ask the person who shared the visible numbers to remove her doll's head.

    I hope this helps!


  9. Also to Unknown from Brazil:

    I added the head and back marks to the blog post in case others might need this information.


  10. Hi, thank you, sorry to not register my name, but it is Talita! Kisses from Brazil :)

  11. Hello! Thanks for this post. Not sure if this question was asked already. But could you please do a comparison of Lyla + Simone? Much thanks.
    IG: castellbythesea


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