
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Happy World Doll Day 2022

UNICEF Kids dolls (1990s)

Happy World Doll Day! "Every year on the second Saturday in June, World Doll Day celebrates the idea of a doll delivering a universal message of love and happiness. The day also encourages you to give someone a doll, especially to a child that does not have one. It seems that people have loved dolls since nearly the beginning of time."

The six dolls in the photograph are part of the UNICEF Kids collection dolls from the 1990s (there were a total of nine dolls available).  The two dolls at the bottom of the above image are Juan from Mexico and Laurie from the US.  Going counter-clockwise from Laurie, above and around are Liu from China, Tanya from USSR, Sita from India, and Moza from Tanzania.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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  1. Happy World Doll Day to you and your dolls, Debbie!!! As usual, I always seem to be caught off guard, so I'll have to make a great big note to myself to do something for National Doll Day in August.

  2. August will be here before we know it. Maybe we can both do something special for National Doll Day. I never really do anything special for these days other than announce them.



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