
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Christmas 2022 Dolls

With the exception of the dolls in red*, all the dolls underneath the Christmas tree were Christmas 2022 gifts.

I had a nice Christmas in 2022 with reference to doll gifts. Christmas 2022, however, is the first Christmas in 67 years without my mother. She transitioned the day after Thanksgiving. These two holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) and every other day henceforth will never be the same. She was my rock. A prayer warrior, she prayed for me and her entire family daily. She'd have an answer to all the woes I faced that I chose to share with her. However, I selectively shared tribulations because she would worry too much and worry me just as much about the situation wanting to know if it had resolved. So sometimes, I got through these things alone. Going forward without her, I'll have to get through similar situations alone but with the help of God, whom I've always had.

Back to my Christmas dolls, I was going to share individual photos, but there are over 20. So, I thought it would be better to share them in a video instead. Click the play button to view.

*With the exception of one of the dolls in red, the others dressed in red underneath and near the Christmas tree in the leading photo were dolls that my mother "borrowed" to use as Christmas decor in December 2010 and December 2011. I tried to bring the dolls back home after those two Christmas seasons, but she asked me to let them stay. So I did. Twelve years later, they have now returned to their first home with me.

Dreamy Walker by Shindana (1972) and Waiting for Santa by Lee Middleton (2004) were the first two dolls my mother "borrowed" to use for Christmas decor in 2010. This photo and the next were taken at her apartment.

In 2011, she still had Dreamy Walker (not shown in this picture) and Middleton's Waiting for Santa. Mama asked for two more dolls in 2011, so I let her "borrow" Tevin and Ayana by Laura Tuzio-Ross. She already owned a reborn doll that I had given her years before that she dressed in a red velvet dress.

In addition to the borrowed dolls that are back with me, two dolls that I gave my mother and her house plants are with me now.

 Happy New Year! May your worries be few and your joys be plentiful.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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  1. Thank you for sharing, especially during this time of loss. Romona

  2. Thank you for sharing, Debbie!!

  3. Romona and Dorothy you are welcome!


  4. I found your blog from comments on Planet of the Dolls and Dolly Lover. I read Toybox Philosopher too and you might have comments there. I am mixed up on that part. lol After reading those blogs from day one to present, I started that with yours about a week ago and am almost caught up. I suck at commenting, but had to say something with this post. I lost my Mom on December 9, 2022. So I really do know how you feel. I never thought I would be without my Mom at 48, but I am lucky I had her for so many years. I truly am so sorry for your loss - just like my Mom, she seems to have been an amazing woman. I have two black dolls currently after losing all of my childhood dolls. Unfortunately, the 80's is expensive nostalgia. One is artist made and he is just amazing. He's the first black clay doll she ever made. The other one is now with my cousin. I never planned to give her that doll, but I saw the look on her face. She's the Noah from the mini Las Amigas line. I bought her because she reminds me so much of my cousin as a little girl. My cousin is half black and more like a sister than a cousin. I used to say I don't see color because I am autistic and everyone else said it. But after awhile, I did notice how stupid it sounded! Of course I see color! I just don't judge based on it. And now I need a new Noah because I really did like her. LOL But I don't regret giving the first one to my cousin. I can remember playing with her and she had one or two black Barbies (I distinctly remember Twist and Curl Christie?) and the rest of her Barbies and other dolls were white. I have a cute story for you that I hope you take in the manner it was intended. My Mom babysat my cousin when she was little. She learned how to take care of her hair, etc. Something her own mother never did. :( Anyway, I guess we were 2 (her) and 3 (me) when we had a discussion about color. I asked Katherine why she was a different color than I was because I thought she was amazing and wanted to look like her. My Mom overheard her say that its because she got more sun than I did. LOL Mom spent most of that summer trying to keep me from going red instead of brown! The other interesting story is I was part of trying to get more diversity in elementary. I was bussed to a school that was all black just because of the area. That was in the 80's! Anyway, I know this is really long but its my first comment to you and I had a lot to say. I really enjoy reading about your dolls. Not so much the fashion dolls because I am more into doll, dolls, but they are interesting too. I LOVE the art dolls. I am sorry it took the loss of your mother to get me to comment. My grief is still very fresh, so I felt it was time. I am sure yours is the same.

  5. Had to share a link to Noah.

  6. I'm so glad you found my blog, Michelle. I'm impressed that you took the time to read many of the posts. Thank you for commenting. It's always nice to hear from blog readers and to know that the blog posts are being enjoyed.

    Condolences to you on the loss of your mother. I'm sure you're still in the grief process like me with emotions that fluctuate regarding the loss. I think about my mother daily. I am sure you do, too. When the thoughts that I'll never get to see her again or speak to her again in this lifetime arise, I am overwhelmed with sadness. It's almost impossible to believe or bear but I shake it off only for the thoughts to resurface later.

    Thank you for sharing the story about your cousin. Her reply to your question about the differences in your skin colors was sweet. Yes, we all see color. Even those who say they do not, do, but the skin is just a cover or shell for the humans underneath. As you've indicated, we'd have a much more civil society if people didn't judge others solely by their skin color. Unfortunately, so many do this.

    I hope you're able to replace Noah.



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