
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Doll Aisle Representation Matters

I felt a woman's excitement upon her discovery of doll inclusion at Target. She's not a doll collector; she is a mother who posts random videos under the name Sweeter than Candy. In the video at the link, she discovers a variety of black dolls at a Target store and excitedly emphasizes the importance of children seeing themselves in their playthings.

View the video here.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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  1. Awwww, this is so cute! I love how happy she is. I just wish more people made their videos with closed caption.

  2. Hi Debbie. I've been MIA for awhile and have LOT of catching up. This video is really funny. And I really enjoy her excitement. On a serious note...this is why I am still a big fan of physical stores. Stores allows discovery. Both of us know black dolls have been on store shelves for awhile. But it's true, this industry is much more diversified that ever and there is always room for one more. My Black Barbies are what drew me into this hobby!

    1. You are so correct -- there is always room for more. I do appreciate stores like Target and Walmart who realize representation matters. Children and their parents who shop at these and other stores for dolls do not have the same difficulty finding dolls of color for their children as say parents did 15 years ago.


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