
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Barbie Fashionista #221

Barbie Fashionista #221

I purchased two Barbie Fashionistas #221 from Amazon in early April. The dolls have been here for a few weeks. I opened the shipping box yesterday. I am glad I ordered two—one to debox and one to keep in the box. The one I removed from the box is on the left in the above photo. Her hair was all over her head as illustrated above and in the next photo. 

Barbie Fashionista #221 has a rooted black Afro, brown-painted eyes, painted-red lips and painted teeth. The doll on the left had an awful rooting job, awful! Whoever passed this doll's quality inspection, if there was one, must have been asleep on the job or they just did not care.

I don't usually like Barbies with painted teeth like this, because they often look buck-toothed. This one doesn't have the buck-toothed look. 

This is another in-the-box photo taken from a slightly different angle.

#1 Black Barbie is illustrated on the lower right of the box lining. Underneath the doll's illustration are the words, Barbie / 65 / inspiring stories/ Shaping the future.

Barbie Fashionista #221 is illustrated on the box side panel with other Fashionistas from #194 to #227 in non-numerical order.

The 1st Black Barbie (1979), the repro of the 1st Black Barbie (2009), the 40th Anniversary Black Barbie (2019), Mattel's 75th Anniversary Barbie (2020), and Fashionista #221 celebrating Barbie's 65th Anniversary (2023) are shown above.

Out-of-the-Box Videos and Photos

As described, I was very disappointed in one of the doll's hair. It was longer in some areas and very short in others as illustrated in the 1st video below.

I can't believe someone thought it was okay to sell the doll with hair so poorly styled. I trimmed the longer ends and evened it all around before recording the next video. 

She posed for a few more photos. 

After cutting and patting her Afro into shape, her ears were pierced with red quilting needles that serve as ear studs.

 She wears an ensemble that pays homage to the 1st Black Barbie: a shimmery red short dress with cold-shoulder sleeves, a plastic gold choker, and red high-heel shoes. 

Black Barbie Fashionistas #221 poses with a cut-out of the box tribute to the 1st Black Barbie.

I cut out the box tribute to the 1st Black Barbie and temporarily attached it to Fashionista #221's dress with double-sided tape. With her hair trimmed and styled and her ears pierced, She's Black! She's Beautiful! She's Dynamite!

Update: 6/15/2024: The doll sold out almost immediately on Amazon a few weeks ago. It is now back in stock and can be ordered here.


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  1. Oh dear, that one doll is a hot mess. You did a great job fixing her though! I can't hear Dynomite without hearing the character JJ from Good Times. Loved that show. lol I think my favorite of your anniversary Barbies is the 75th. I love gowns like that.

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I couldn't leave her hair like that. The "dynamite" (I corrected the spelling in the post) phrase is on the front bottom of #1 Black Barbie's box. It might have been inspired by JJ saying it in almost, if not, every episode of Good Times when he pronounced it as "dyno-mite."

    2. LOL, I didn't know it was an accident. I thought you misspelled it on purpose to reference the character. Shows that I didn't read the Barbie box!

    3. LOL! I was working from memory which is often not a good thing, but I was also thinking about the way JJ pronounced it. For the sake of accuracy, since the box spells it 'dynamite," I needed to change the text. :-)


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