
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Journey Girls Alana

Journey Girls Alana

(This post had been in draft mode since 2023. I decided to publish it now after some minor edits since the doll is still available on Amazon, and because my Internet was temporarily down due to severe storms in my area. I had to use my phone to edit and publish this post.)

After seeing Journey Girls Alana discounted on Amazon, I shared the sale in a separate blog post. I had no plans to buy this doll, but she kept calling my name. It was the hair color, complexion, and freckles combination that won me over. 

After Alana arrived, I inspected her and took a few photos. It was then that I decided I would give her to a doll friend for her birthday. I proceeded to order a couple of dresses, matching tights, shoes, and jewelry for Alana to include in the nice box she arrived in which would also be used to ship the doll (but I wrapped the box in postage paper to conceal the contents).

Alana's Photos

Alana arrived in her mock-gift box from Amazon (without the use of an outer shipping box).

An inside cover describes Alana as a film lover.

As indicated on the inside cover, "A movie and TV buff Alana loves all things related to film! She even wants to be a producer when she gets older. She's creative, ambitious, and her go-getter attitude makes her a great friend to look to when you need an encouraging word!"

The inside cover is shown in full in this photo. 

Alana obviously loves pink.

She wears a pink dress with a floral print jacket. Pink slides and a purse with a headshot image of a tiger on the front complete her fashion statement.

Alana's green eyes have a tendency to photograph blue, but they are actually green. Hair auburn hair has pink highlights and is very soft. The pink lip color works well with her sunkissed café au lait complexion. She also has a sprinkling of freckles.

Alana's Clothing and Jewelry

Dresses, tights, shoes, and jewelry were placed inside Alana's box before everything was shipped to my doll friend. I believe I substituted the pink ensemble for another color because the pink in the pink and white tights was not the same shade as the dress.  

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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  1. She's really cute! I hope your friend loved her. Nice to include so many extras too. Unsure why they would pair those tights with that dress!

    1. Yes, she is cute. Her legs are thin, otherwise, she is perfect. All of the extras were sold separately. I chose the pink striped tights thinking they would match the color of the dress based on the online photos, which can sometimes be deceiving.

    2. Oh geez yes. I have been caught by the color mismatches myself!


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