
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Barbie Looks #21 Redressed

Barbie Looks #21 redressed

I redressed Barbie Looks #21 in this simple tan sweater tunic, tan cap, black tights, and white sneakers.

Before redressing

In the photo above, Barbie Looks #21 and Ken #24 wear their original clothes.

After redressing, I captured several photos of this lovely doll that uses the Heidi sculpt in a video short. View it here.

Finally, she posed with Looks Ken #25.

Ken Looks #25 poses with Barbie Looks #21

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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  1. I love those clothes! Is that some more of the handmade stuff?

    1. No, this isn't from the handmade clothes from Canada. The pink outfit is what she wore originally. I ordered the tan tunic and black tights online. I took so many pictures of her redressed that I didn't want to upload individually to the post. So, I shared them in the video.

    2. I knew the pink one was, but that tan tunic looked too nice to be mass produced. So I figured it was handmade.

    3. The quality is very nice, too; and was only a couple of dollars. I'll probably order more in different colors.


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