
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Black Barbie Fashionista 221

Barbie Fashionista #221 (stock photo)

If you missed ordering Barbie Fashionista #221 before it sold out a few weeks ago, the doll is back in stock on Amazon. 

Use This link.


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  1. I liked this Fashionista but i think that the Barbies Rewind were better then some of the 2024 Fashionistas even better then Barbie and the Rockers from 2017.

    1. The Rewind dolls are better quality with more accessories and props. None of them interested me except Slumber Party when it went on sale for $10, but I waited too long to order it.

  2. If I could choose a new Barbie inspired by an old one I would ask for an Asian Barbie inspired by RAPPIN' ROCKIN' BARBIEs

    1. Cool choice. I have the originals, but I would choose and buy remakes of Live Action Christie, Talking Christie, and Brad.


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