
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tammy Clone Dressed

Flat-Heeled Doll, a Tammy clone by Fibre-Craft

An undated Ideal Tammy clone by Fibre-Craft was sold as a dress-me-craft doll under the name "Flat Heeled Doll." I received her as a Christmas present in 2022 and kept her in the original baggy until recently. 

Tammy is now dressed in a Shasarignis fashion as illustrated next. 

Tammy wears a hand-sewn white body suit with denim shorts by Shasarignis. She wears her original white flat shoes.

Redressed, Tammy posed for a couple of closeup photos.

I contemplated piercing her ears with white quilting pins but decided I'd leave the ears unpierced.

Tammy clone by Fibre-Craft is back in the original package.

After dressing her, I returned Tammy to the original package as shown in the above photo and stored her in a case with a Barbie clone and other Tammy clones. 

After this photo was taken, Tammy was turned upside down before closing the doll case that stores three other fashion doll clones.

Except for the first picture, I used a new camera for all pictures in this post. I'm still learning the adjustments, thus the slightly dark photos. I'll do better or return it, which comes first.

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