
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Art Doll Wood Carving

Redwood carved doll art by Kor January

One of my most recent and prized doll acquisitions is a carved redwood art doll by master carver Kor January. This mixed media piece can be displayed as a seated "doll" or as an elaborate wall hanging. I display it as a wall hanging as illustrated next.

It is an elaborate piece of doll art.

See more pictures and the description of this 39-inch art doll in a recent Virtual Black Doll Museum installation here.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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  1. She looks kind of grumpy, but she's definitely well carved. I like you can display her more than one way.

    1. Thank you! She's quite unique...Kor's dolls usually have a solemn expression.


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