
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lewisburg, TN August 2019 Doll Show

******This show has been canceled.*******

Sponsored by Marilyn Bloodworth, the first annual doll show and sale will be held at the Recreation Center in Lewisburg, Tennessee on August 17, 2019, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  The vendor fee is $50.  Admission for all is only $1.

For additional information please contact Marilyn Bloodworth directly at  She would love to hear from you and receive your support of this family-oriented show.

******This show has been canceled.******

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

DesignsbyJimmi for American Girl Dolls

After the post about the dad who rescued his daughter's American Girl doll was published, I shared the link to it with the American Girl Addy Facebook group.  One member wondered if Ms. Taylor (the woman who made a full wardrobe of clothes for the little storm victim's doll) has an Etsy Shop.  At the time, I didn't know the answer to that question, but through a lot of sleuthing, I located her telephone number and was able to find out. 

Yes, she does have an Etsy shop through which she sells American Girl doll clothes.  The name of her Etsy Shop is DesignsbyJimmi.  The URL/link to Ms. Taylor's Shop is:

Please browse her shop.  If you have something in mind for her to make for one of your American Girl dolls or other 18-inch dolls, please send Ms. Taylor a message through Etsy.  She said she has many more outfits already made, but she has only listed a few for now on Etsy.

Ms. Taylor also sews for Barbie.   


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sibahle Collection Dolls Price Reduction

Sibahle Collection:  Ndanaka, represents a girl with albinism.  Zuri represents a girl with albinism.

This multicultural doll collection (which uses Paola Reina dolls) includes dolls that represent the conditions albinism and vitiligo.  A biracial doll is also included in this collection.  These all-vinyl dolls are approximately 13-1/2 inches tall and are currently priced below $25.  The dolls from the Nobuhle collection, which are 20 inches tall are also priced below $25.  Check them out here.


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Dad to the Rescue, then Woman Follows Suit

Screen capture of Ohio father who rescued his daughter's doll after a tornado demolished their house
After I read the story and saw the above photograph of the Ohio father who rescued his daughter's doll following an EF-4 tornado that demolished their home, the doll enthusiast in me immediately wondered what type of doll it was.  Upon first glance, it looked like an American girl doll. 

The tornado occurred on Memorial Day in Harrison Township, Ohio.  The super-hero dad rescued the doll for his daughter, whose first name, ironically, is Storm.   Dad, Timothy Walker, is quoted by a WHIOTV-7 reporter as saying, “They [his two children] were in the house with my wife the night of the storm and that doll became a symbol for me of just trying to do what I could to help them recover.”

Storm's doll reportedly is American Girl Truly Me 44.

Follow the link below to the article and video about this doll rescue and a kind-hearted woman, Jamesetta Taylor, who sewed an entire wardrobe for the doll.  American Girl has also offered to give the doll spa treatment in their doll hospital.

Some tragic stories do have happy endings and s/heroes are present in all demographic groups.


UPDATE:  After this post was published, I shared its link to the American Girl Addy Facebook group.  One member wondered if Ms. Taylor (the woman who made the wardrobe for the little girl had an Etsy Shop.)  At the time, I didn't know the answer to that question, but I was able to find out.  Yes, she does!  The name of her Etsy Shop is DesignsbyJimmi.  The URL/link is:

Browse her shop.  If you have something in mind for her to make for one of your American Girl dolls, send her a message through Etsy.  She said she has hundreds of outfits already made, but she only listed a few for now on Etsy.  


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Curvy Girls Kickstarter

I discovered the Kickstarter for Curvy Girls plus-size fashion dolls recently.  The dolls are appealing and are probably the first-of-their-kind dolls in this size (11-inches) that are fully articulated and represent a woman of size 18-20.  I hope the campaign is a success.  Watch the video and read more about the dolls and promote if you like what you see here.


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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Monday, June 3, 2019

Prims-of-the-Past Nella

Birthday gifts from Betty A. included this lovely doll, Nella, by Barbara Elsleger.

Just as I was about to wind down my birthday month celebration, I received a package to remind me that the celebration had not ended yet.  The package included Nella, shown above, a beautiful 14-inch cloth doll by Barbara Elsleger.  Barbara sells her dolls on eBay under the name Prims-of-the-Past.  Also in the package from Betty was a beautiful birthday card, a leatherette journal with an ink pen, and a large-print edition of Our Daily Bread for the months of April, May, and June.  Individual photos of these items are shown below:

The inscription on the inside of the card is just as beautiful as the words on the outside.
Front:  When you opened your eyes this morning, God had already seen your day unfold--He covered each corner of it with His grace... tucked His love into every moment... and tenderly wrapped it with the quiet strength your heart would need.
Inside left:  You are precious to Me and honored, and I love you.  Isaiah 43:4 TLB
Inside right:  I pray He shows you how special you are through the blessings He gives you today.
My sentiment:  He did and always does.  Thank you, God!  Thank you, Betty!

This beautiful leatherette journal has an ink pen attached.

My mother gives me these from time to time.  I didn't have this quarterly version and did not know Our Daily Bread was available in large print until I received this one.  (Thanks again, Betty!  These old eyes appreciate large print.)

I had just thought about Betty earlier on the day Nella arrived when a doll she made for me a couple of years ago fell from her standing position.  Little did I know then that Betty had been thinking about me, too.

Nella is seen better in this close-up photo.
Nella has delicately painted facial features and a beautiful brown complexion.  Her head swivels and her arms and legs are designed for posing.  Not shown in the close-up is that she has cloth ears.  Her hair is made of dark brown wool accented with a tea-stained cloth ribbon.

This full view of Nella illustrates her separately stitched fingers and painted fingernails.
As indicated, Nella is 14 inches tall.  She wears a white antiqued sweater over her white dress and white pantaloons.

Painted-on Victorian-style black boots complete Nella's "Prims-of-the-Past" look.  She has a brown cardstock hang tag with the artist's name, month, and the year she was made on one side.  "Nella" is written on the opposite side.

This is Nikki (not Nella).

After sending Betty a thank you text and an email (it was too late to call and personally thank her), her reply informed me that Nella has a twin sister.  Nikki (shown immediately above) did not mind parting with Nella in order for Nella to travel to live with me.  How thoughtfully doll-lightful was that?

Jayda and Tootie are my first dolls by Barbara Elsleger.

Even though Nella left one sister behind, she joined two that were already here.  Jayda and Tootie were made in 2010 by Elsleger.

Barbara Elsleger had been the chosen artist to create my doll group's 2010 club doll.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, she was unable to fulfill this commitment.  I asked her if it would be possible for her to make one doll for me and she agreed.  When my package from Barbara arrived in December 2010, there were two dolls in it.  Because it had taken Barbara longer than she proposed to make the one doll, to thank me for my patience, she made my doll a sister!  So now I have three dolls by Elsleger and they are all truly appreciated and loved.

Nella is joined by her two other sisters, Jayda and Tootie.  They will forever enjoy each other's company.

Thank you again, Betty, for thinking about me and please thank Nikki again for allowing Nella to live with us.

Nella is featured on Pinterest with her sister Nikki here.  More of Barbara's dolls are pinned to her Pinterest boards, which can be accessed here.

The doll Betty made for me in 2017 that I referred to earlier in this post, Patty-Jo, can be read about here.


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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