
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Meet Jazzy

Jazzy by Gloria Y. Rone

Jazzy is a 14-inch one-of-a-kind painted cloth doll by Gloria Y. Rone. When I saw Gloria's Facebook post about Jazzy's availability last week, I knew I had to make her mine. 

Right in time for the Christmas season, Jazzy wears a gingerbread boy and girl printed dress. Read more about Jazzy here where she is permanently installed in Dee Bee Gee's Virtual Black Doll Museum.

Read more about Gloria and some of her dolls at the following links to previous blog posts.

Of note... Jazzy also came with a surprise gift from Gloria who is always so thoughtful and generous to me. Jazzy is seen with a handmade polymer clay angel that has Psalm 118:24 printed on the front of its stocking body.

This angel was a surprise gift from Gloria.

Jazzy and the polymer clay angel.

Close-up of the angel's stocking body.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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  1. Oh you know how I love the artist made dolls. And she's all ready for Christmas with her own stocking. That face painting is amazing.

    1. I love artist's one-of-a-kind dolls. Yes, she is all ready for Christmas.


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