Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fashionista Six: Are Two Heads Better Than One?

Mattel must have felt that two versions would be better than one of the blonde Fashionista with freckles, that I incorrectly assumed had only one hairstyle (all-over big curls).

In a comment to my post  about my doll, Jewell informed me first that two versions exist, one with all-over curly hair and a second with flatter curls.  A day later, another collector mentioned this. Seeing, as they say, is believing.  Fellow collector, Betty Jones shared the above photo of her dolls confirming that two versions of the Fasionista that I refer to as Doll 6 do exist.

In Betty's close-up photos, she points out additional differences:

The freckles on the big-haired version are more visible than the one with flatter curls, shown next.

This one's freckles, like those on my doll, are visible but very faint.

So if you opt for online ordering from places that do not use actual photos and your desire is for curlier locks, be forewarned:  that might not be the version you receive.

Thanks again, Betty, for the visual and for allowing me to share your photos here.



  1. Good to know!! I agree that it's tough to order online as you never really know which release you will get. I think I still like the bigger-haired version tough, she's more charming. :)

    1. I like the bigger-haired version better too, Farrah Lily. I wish that would have been the version I received.


  2. I agree ordering online will be tough. I do like the pronounced freckles! I found that problem with the Kenya's Keyshia dolls too. You didn't know which version of the doll you would get.

    1. Very true, Ms. Leo. I have two versions of the Keyshias. One is sunbathing in the kitchen window with Oxy-10 on her arms in an attempt to remove the black stains from the sleeves of her black jacket. I recently removed her jacket to take her photo and re-discovered those unsightly spots and decided to do something about them.


  3. It's so difficult to understand the Mattel's logical,there are so many different aspects in the same doll sometimes, that it's impossible don't feel sometimes betrayed by the factory. Recently I bought another Artsy Fashionista 2012, just because I had a head waiting for a body and then, when the doll arrived I discovered that the same face mold had two different sizes...what I had, big, and the new one, smaller...I can't understand...Hugs,Debbie!!

    1. I am sorry for you that the ordered doll's body does not work with the head you had, Jorge.

      I think the time is long overdue for Mattel to sell articulated bodies (and heads) separately and clearly indicate which bodies will fit which heads and vice versa; or just return to the 60s prongless style neck/head when heads could be easily removed and attached to other bodies with ease.


    2. I totally agree! There are so many dolls with terrific faces, but I want them on articulated bodies.

    3. Debbie,there was nothing wrong to make the re-body,it worked as well, the only different thing was in fact realize that the same head I had before,has not exactly the same size of the second one,it is smaller...LOL!!

    4. I am glad you were able to make it work, Jorge!


  4. I had no idea about this. I ordered my doll from, and I received (thankfully) the "big hair" version. Even though she isn't articulated, I still love her look. I would have been disappointed to receive the other one.

    1. I am happy for you, Troy, that you were able to get the big-haired version.


  5. Yep, I saw this too. I actually thought someone had removed the doll, messed with her hair and put her back, lol.

    1. That can happy, Muff. But in this case it's all Mattel's fault!


  6. I definitely prefer the doll with the big curls, being the proud owner of big curls, myself. If I ordered this doll online and ended up with the tamer-haired version, I'd probably give her a nice boil perm with straws and bobby pins. Then again, my perming skills are under-developed!

    Still, she's cute in either version. <3

    1. I thought about giving her a boil perm using end paper-wrapped pipe cleaners. I opted for the up-do instead. Eventually, I might give her a boil perm to achieve the look I thought I would receive.


  7. oczyma wyobraźni widzę Ją jednak jako irlandzką kelnerkę ;P


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