Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Glam Squad Doll and Fashions

Glam Squad Yoga doll and three Glam Squad fashions

An 11-1/2-inch articulated Glam Squad doll and Glam Squad fashions are my most recent doll-related purchases. I purchased these items from Five and Below online. I shopped online because the fashions I wanted were not available at my local store. 

The Glam Squad Yoga doll is presented in a nice box.

The Yoga doll was $5 but was marked down to $2.50 when I began writing this post (but it sold out before the post was published). The fashions were and are still $3.25 each. Shipping was only $7.99, which I justified paying because I didn't have to drive to the store. 

A graphic illustration of the doll is on the back of the box with the doll's bio and a list of the package contents.

Contents list:

1 Yoga Doll
1 Good Vibes Top
1 Yoga Capri's
1 Yoga Mat
1 Water Bottle
1 Towel
1 Weight
1 Medicine Ball

I might attempt to recolor the eyes with a colored pencil or fine-tipped marker.

I don't really care for the Glam Squad dolls because of their decal-looking eyes and heavy, off-colored eye shadow, but I might try to recolor this doll's eyes. As indicated, the Yoga doll is articulated. Most (possibly all) others are not. I wanted the fashions because I was informed that the shoes fit the Xian Xian Super Fashion Model dolls.

From left to right, the fashions are Strawberry Shortcake (Orange Blossom), Street Wear, and Autumn Vibes. 

As illustrated in my photos, I haven't opened anything yet because I've been working on a detailed project. After opening the doll and at least the Orange Blossom fashion, I will publish a follow-up, and I will also try the shoes on one of the Xian Xian Super Model dolls and provide an update on that. The following screen captures illustrate the contents of each fashion package.

The Orange Blossom fashion shown above prompted my purchase, but I had to order something else with it to further justify the shipping cost. 

Street Wear (the jacket and the bucket hat are my faves from this fashion set).

Autumn Vibes looks stylish.

Go here to see the Glam Squad merchandise currently available at the Five and Below website. There is a main item and thumbnails for other items in each category. It's easy to miss the African American dolls if you don't click the thumbnails. Again, the African American Yoga doll was already sold out before I published this post.


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©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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