A trip to Wal-Mart, Target, and/or Toys R Us is in order this weekend. I need to add the befreckled face Julian to my So In Style doll collection and possibly the individually sold Zahara, if she's available. Interestingly, Julian's accessories are marked "Jordan" for some odd reason. Hmmm....
Friday, April 30, 2010
Too Cute!
So In Style Julian,

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Doll For Mom
My mother accompanied me to a doll lecture several years ago to help set up the exhibit dolls. As a result of her "oohing and ahhing" over one of the reborn dolls included in the exhibit, I had an identical doll made for her. It was part of her birthday gift from me that year, which was 2004.
Reborn dolls have come a long way since then, but these two were nicely done, and my mother does not realize the progression of this doll art form.
With Mother's Day 2010 right around the corner, why not buy your mom, or someone else you hold near and dear, a doll for Mother's Day? It does not have to be a reborn doll or an expensive doll, but lifesize baby dolls work best for those with maternal instincts whose nests have been empty for a while.
Being a collector is not a prerequisite for the recipient to receive a doll as a gift. My mother certainly is not a collector and, until now, never displayed any interest in dolls except those purchased for me and my younger sister when we were children. She loves Amberlynn as much as the collector in me loves Emberlynn. She enjoys changing Amberlynn's outfits on a seasonal basis, too... so think doll, and think extra outfit for it as well.
Reborn dolls have come a long way since then, but these two were nicely done, and my mother does not realize the progression of this doll art form.
Emberlynn (my doll) and Amberlynn (my mother's doll)
With Mother's Day 2010 right around the corner, why not buy your mom, or someone else you hold near and dear, a doll for Mother's Day? It does not have to be a reborn doll or an expensive doll, but lifesize baby dolls work best for those with maternal instincts whose nests have been empty for a while.
Being a collector is not a prerequisite for the recipient to receive a doll as a gift. My mother certainly is not a collector and, until now, never displayed any interest in dolls except those purchased for me and my younger sister when we were children. She loves Amberlynn as much as the collector in me loves Emberlynn. She enjoys changing Amberlynn's outfits on a seasonal basis, too... so think doll, and think extra outfit for it as well.
Mother's Day

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Juan, Romance and Roses
An Integrity Toys hybrid, Juan has been a master bedroom nightstand staple for over two months. He planted himself where I placed him immediately after opening the package. Today I decided to photograph him and pair him with one of my dolls in need of male companionship.
Even though my husband begs to differ*, I think Juan and Romance and Roses Coquette Cissy are indeed a handsome couple.
*"That doll couple doesn't match. The man has a character face; the doll has a doll face." (He's right, but I'll never tell.)
Even though my husband begs to differ*, I think Juan and Romance and Roses Coquette Cissy are indeed a handsome couple.
*"That doll couple doesn't match. The man has a character face; the doll has a doll face." (He's right, but I'll never tell.)
Coquette Cissy,

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Awesome Dolls
The following information is from a flyer received from Barbara A Whiteman, Director, Philadelphia Doll Museum.
The Philadelphia Doll Museum and Dark Images are excited to present the International Black Doll Show and Sale. Doll enthusiasts and doll collectors from across the country will [merge] in Philadelphia to enjoy the art and beauty of black dolls. Join us for doll camaraderie and fun. Your favorite doll artists or dealers want you to know that he/she will be here...
and Dark Images
"Awesome Dolls"
International Black Doll Show and Sale
Saturday, May 29, 2010
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Pennsylvania Convention Center
12th and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Admission: $7 adults
$5 Seniors and children under 12
Show Events and Activities
Doll Making Workshop
Doll Competition
Doll Raffles and Prizes
Amazulu Gift & Craft Shows
Joins International Black Doll Show and Sale
For the first time, under one roof, collectors will discover the most comprehensive group of doll and craft vendors with the latest they have to offer!
Attention: Doll Artists, Doll Makers, and Crafters; Doll Collectors and Doll Lovers:
We need you to share your doll making skills or doll knowledge with others with a doll workshop, demonstration, lecture or presentation. (One hour minimum)
Do you have information on how to start a doll club or doll museum?
Can you or your doll club evaluate, appraise dolls?
Participate or Moderate a Panel:
"Black Doll Market 2010"
Call the Philadelphia Doll Museum so we can discuss and schedule your workshop or presentation. We need your input and service.
Contact/Info: Philadelphia Doll Museum
2253 North Broad Street
For Hotel Info: Hilton Garden Inn 215.923.0100
Email: dollmuse@aol.com Visit: http://www.philadollmuseum.com/
"The largest and best showcase and sale of black dolls in the nation"
Black Doll Show,
Philadelphia Doll Museum

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Celebrating 30 Years of Black Barbie
30th Anniversary Reproduction Black Barbie |
I was not impressed with the extra white satin disco-style pantsuit. |
As a routine, after new dolls arrive, they are photographed and entered onto my Doll Inventory spreadsheet. Black Barbie's spreadsheet entry is as follows:
Celebrating 30 years of Black Barbie, this reproduction doll wears a red shimmery dress with gold collar, red ankle-strap shoes, red dangle earrings, and has an extra; gold-trimmed white tuxedo-style pants suit, reminiscent of the Saturday Night Fever suit worn by John Travolta in the movie of the same name. Accessories include gold shoulder bag, white ankle-strap shoes, red hair pick, red choker, and extra red hoops. There are face cards of SuperStar Christie Fashion Face and Sunsational Malibu Ken (a.k.a. Afro Ken) with Sunsational Malibu Christie at his side. Another card illustrates how to use Black Barbie's hair pick and how to transform the dangle earrings into hoops. The back side of each card describes the dolls' attributes in reproduced text from the original packaging. Also included is a reproduction Barbie World of Fashion booklet, which illustrates Beauty Secrets Christie, several other Barbies, and an array of fashions available for the dolls in 1980.I took the following additional photos.
I'm not sure if this is just a "trading card" or if the card indicates the doll uses the SuperStar Christie Fashion Face, but this doll uses the Steffie head sculpt. |
The packing includes a reproduction of a Barbie World of Fashion booklet. |
The red high-heel ankle-strap shoes are like the 1st Black Barbie's shoes. |
Accessories include a gold shoulder bag, white ankle-strap shoes, a red hair pick, a red choker, and red hoop earrings. |
The close-up photo clearly illustrates the use of the Steffie head sculpt as does the comparison photo below. |
The 30th Anniversary Reproduction Black Barbie and the original 1st Black Barbie pose side-by-side. |
I am delighted I added the reproduction Black Barbie to my collection that celebrates the 1st doll's 30th anniversary. Her box still proclaims, "She's Black! She's Beautiful! She's Dynamite!" And as I wrote in a Black Barbie article, she's not dynamite, but “off-the-chain, hot!”
Black Barbie

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I Want a Black One!
Madame Alexander’s 2005 Stiletto’s dolls included Kikki and Sami. A blonde doll, Nikki, was also part of this 9-inch, all-vinyl, play doll line.
In late-2006/early-2007, I purchased Kikki and Sami for $5 each specifically to deepen their complexions. Using a mixture of tan and cocoa brown Rit dye and boiled water, I accomplished this task to my satisfaction. It took only 5 minutes or so for the dolls' complexion to deepen in the dye bath immersion. Surprisingly, Kikki's hair color did not change. Sami's original, near-black hair is now brunette. The whites of their eyes darkened. I repainted that area with white acrylic paint and reblushed heir cheeks. Nothing else was required to achieve their new warm brown complexion.
In late-2006/early-2007, I purchased Kikki and Sami for $5 each specifically to deepen their complexions. Using a mixture of tan and cocoa brown Rit dye and boiled water, I accomplished this task to my satisfaction. It took only 5 minutes or so for the dolls' complexion to deepen in the dye bath immersion. Surprisingly, Kikki's hair color did not change. Sami's original, near-black hair is now brunette. The whites of their eyes darkened. I repainted that area with white acrylic paint and reblushed heir cheeks. Nothing else was required to achieve their new warm brown complexion.
Kikki and Sami after their dye baths
Dyed dolls,
Show and Tell

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Dolls and Good Music-Related Memories
Recently I found hard copies of photographs taken at a 1990s family reunion. In these were images of elders who have unfortunately passed away. Children, captured in time as they gathered, watching cousins, brothers or sisters forcefully strike a Big Bird piñata in hopes of rupturing its outer shell; and, finally, dolls photographed on the same roll of 35 mm film were the focus of the other found photographs.
I was amused at one particular doll photograph of the above three Baby Come Back dolls made by Mattel ©1976. They were on the market by Christmas 1977. I fondly recalled how these three came to live with me in the 1990s.
The redressed black doll on the far right and the white doll were separate thrift store finds. I paid less than a combined total of $5 for both. In the 1990s, I thrift store shopped for dolls and provided TLC for those I rescued. I usually kept black-doll finds for my collection and sold others to help fund future doll buying. I recall finding a 1950s “basket case,” bald and nude, Madame Alexander Cissy at a thrift store for $12! It sold “as is” on eBay for 21.5 times that amount! Those were the days of eBay’s seller’s market climate.
Back to the Baby Come Back trio: The all-original black doll was purchased from another collector/doll dealer for about $15. She confessed having found it discarded in a trash can! As she drove by, she saw the brown legs of the doll, stopped her car, and retrieved it. Other than its outer layer of grime, Baby Come Back was perfect in my eyes. I brought it home, gave it a much needed head-to-toe bath, and hand-soaked and air-dried the clothes. The other two have found new homes, but the formerly discarded doll remains in my personal collection.
Since finding the photograph of the dolls, the chorus of “Baby Come Back” by the 1970s group, Player, has been intermittently playing in my head. This morning I viewed a YouTube video of the group performing their 1978 breakthrough single. I briefly wondered if the doll inspired the title of the song, but surmised that the inspiration was most likely true heartbreak. Listening to Player’s song brought back my six degrees of separation association with The Steve Miller Band. In 1977, I worked for Steve’s father, a former local pathologist. I also gave birth to my first born, a daughter, in 1977. Memories… good ones.
I attempted to find a Baby Come Back doll commercial, but only found pre-Christmas 1977 print advertisements for the doll priced from $6 to $12. In the commercial search results, I located a home-produced YouTube video of Baby Come Back toddling upon a table. Watching it made me laugh out loud and smile.
The photographs, dolls, and song, along with the times in which they were produced conjured up pleasant memories of former activities, special events, people, places, and things.
More Links:
Mint-Looking with Box Baby Come Back on Ruby Lane (I am not affiliated with the seller.)
The Steve Miller Band
Additional Pre-Christmas 1977 Baby Come Back and other vintage toy ad links
I was amused at one particular doll photograph of the above three Baby Come Back dolls made by Mattel ©1976. They were on the market by Christmas 1977. I fondly recalled how these three came to live with me in the 1990s.
The redressed black doll on the far right and the white doll were separate thrift store finds. I paid less than a combined total of $5 for both. In the 1990s, I thrift store shopped for dolls and provided TLC for those I rescued. I usually kept black-doll finds for my collection and sold others to help fund future doll buying. I recall finding a 1950s “basket case,” bald and nude, Madame Alexander Cissy at a thrift store for $12! It sold “as is” on eBay for 21.5 times that amount! Those were the days of eBay’s seller’s market climate.
Back to the Baby Come Back trio: The all-original black doll was purchased from another collector/doll dealer for about $15. She confessed having found it discarded in a trash can! As she drove by, she saw the brown legs of the doll, stopped her car, and retrieved it. Other than its outer layer of grime, Baby Come Back was perfect in my eyes. I brought it home, gave it a much needed head-to-toe bath, and hand-soaked and air-dried the clothes. The other two have found new homes, but the formerly discarded doll remains in my personal collection.
Since finding the photograph of the dolls, the chorus of “Baby Come Back” by the 1970s group, Player, has been intermittently playing in my head. This morning I viewed a YouTube video of the group performing their 1978 breakthrough single. I briefly wondered if the doll inspired the title of the song, but surmised that the inspiration was most likely true heartbreak. Listening to Player’s song brought back my six degrees of separation association with The Steve Miller Band. In 1977, I worked for Steve’s father, a former local pathologist. I also gave birth to my first born, a daughter, in 1977. Memories… good ones.
I attempted to find a Baby Come Back doll commercial, but only found pre-Christmas 1977 print advertisements for the doll priced from $6 to $12. In the commercial search results, I located a home-produced YouTube video of Baby Come Back toddling upon a table. Watching it made me laugh out loud and smile.
The photographs, dolls, and song, along with the times in which they were produced conjured up pleasant memories of former activities, special events, people, places, and things.
More Links:
Mint-Looking with Box Baby Come Back on Ruby Lane (I am not affiliated with the seller.)
The Steve Miller Band
Additional Pre-Christmas 1977 Baby Come Back and other vintage toy ad links
Baby Come Back,
Show and Tell

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Is It a Boy? Is it a Girl? Poll Results

The "Is It a Boy? Is It a Girl?" poll is officially closed. 12 of 17 voted boy; 5 voted girl. This should please the doll's owner, who is partial to boy dolls. As "Hugs," who likes the baby both ways, commented, "Maybe another doll is needed so there will be a boy AND a girl..."
Thanks everyone for voting!
Ava Raine reborn,
Show and Tell

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It's a boy; no wait, it's a girl!
After several weeks of anticipation and expectation, a fellow doll enthusiast received a new bundle of joy, a reborn doll made using the Ava Raine doll kit by Laura Tuzio Ross <---(scroll down at this link to view).
In order to help this new mom decide on her baby's gender, she's allowed me to share dressed-as-a-boy and dressed-as-a-girl images.
Is it a boy, or ...
... should it be a girl?
What do you think? Please share your opinion about this baby's gender using the special poll I created. Vote "It's a Boy" for boy or "It's a Girl" for girl.
Thanks for voting.
(Thanks Phyllis for sharing the images.)
Ava Raine reborn,
Show and Tell

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Staying Power or Not
After seeing the prototype photo of Integrity's Darius Reid, I did not see a "specimen of masculinity," as he is described. His implied swagger was also absent, and I did not think a sway of his hips would make me swoon.
After seeing Romona J's photos of Darius, I'm still not swooning, but I immediately shifted from lukewarm in my opinion of Mr. Reid to "like a whole lot" mode.
Check him out!
After seeing Romona J's photos of Darius, I'm still not swooning, but I immediately shifted from lukewarm in my opinion of Mr. Reid to "like a whole lot" mode.
Check him out!
According to Barbie Basics Model 004, Darius Reid indeed has staying power...
...and enough swagger to make her swoon.
Photographs courtesy of Romona J.
Darius Reid,
Show and Tell

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Show and Tell - Leanne's Beautiful Collection
Antique and vintage black dolls
After "meeting" her in September of 2009 by way of cyberspace and as a result of our shared passion for black dolls, Leanne S. of Australia, readily shared photos of some of the dolls in her collection. I was amazed at her huge collection of mostly antique and vintage black dolls with a few modern dolls interspersed.
When asked, Leanne readily agreed to allow me to share images of her dolls here.
Baby Clap Hands by Horsman, circa 1970s, an Irene Szor design; claps and recites Pat-a-Cake poem
Antique and vintage black dolls
Norah Wellings, rare, 36-inch doll
Leanne also shared the reason she developed such fondness for black dolls.
I was always a very spoilt child, my grandmother (on my father's side)
bought me beautiful (white) dolls, walking dolls, baby dolls etcand my other grandmother was a dressmaker, so she made me
great doll clothes! I have been collecting black dolls for 20 years.
I don't really know why I started collecting only black dolls, probably
because I never had a black doll as a child!!
I used to run a retro clothing stall in our local market and was always
op-shopping, garage saling etc... so every little black face came home with
me!! And of course once I got the ebay bug my collection took off.
These days I only ebay, finding black dolls anywhere else now is a rare thing.
And of course with over 1000 dolls in my collection, I am only looking for particular
dolls these days. And making computer friends (like yourself Debbie!!) has increased
my collection, with black doll collectors selling their collections to me.
Johnna oilskin art doll
Thank you again Leanne for sharing and for allowing me to share your dolls here.
Leanne S - Show and Tell

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
Happy Easter/Resurrection Day
Customize a free digital ecard |
Happy Easter

Founder and curator of DeeBeeGee’s Virtual Black Doll Museum at virtualblackdollmuseum.com Please visit and become a contributing patron. Black dolls are my passion, my drug of choice. They renew my spirit!
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