Friday, April 29, 2011

Unique Black Doll Stationery

Image used for stationery items

I often hand write personal notes, notes of thanks, and replies to people who have written me. Corresponding with others via email is okay; but mailed, handwritten notes go a step further when writing replies or expressing my sincere gratitude.  When writing these notes to fellow doll enthusiasts, I enjoy using stationery that contains images of dolls from my collection.   Doll lovers appreciate anything doll related. 

In May 2009, I gathered a few dolls that possess a unique characteristic and photographed them as a group. I uploaded the image to* where I ordered note cards and envelopes, note pads, and self-adhesive return address labels.   The image used (shown above) covers the front of the note card; the back is blank with the exception of the statement/question at the very bottom:  Black dolls are my passion ... what's yours?  A smaller version of the image appears in the top center of the note pad, and a thumbnail version is used on the return address labels.

Front of doll note card printed on linen-looking card stock paper by

My previous blog regarding dolls made in America reminded me of my doll stationery. Other than being Black, each doll used for the stationery image shares the unique characteristic that it was made by an American doll artist (or company) of African descent. The dolls and their artists/company are as follows:

(Back Row, L-R)
Kemi is a one-of-a-kind dark leather doll by Lorna Paris that I first saw on exhibit during the 2005 International Black Doll Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After suffering deep regret for not buying the doll at the convention, I contacted Lorna by phone and purchased Kemi a few weeks later.

Lou Ellen is a one-of-a-kind cloth doll with hand-painted features crafted by independent doll artist, Gloria Young. Lou Ellen is part of the Lil’ Color’d Girls series and holds a basket of black berries. The doll’s creation was inspired by the phrase, “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice.” After Gloria made the doll, she shared pictures with me and shared the doll's story.  This was an immediate purchase.

Kayin is a one-of-a-kind porcelain trunk doll by Goldie Wilson. I chose the Yoruba name Kayin, which means a child who has been desired for a long time. Kayin has a handmade trunk and several outfits made by Goldie. The tricycle with basket and wooden bear seen in the picture belong to Kayin.

(Front Row, L-R)
Kayla is a limited-edition resin doll by Lorna Miller-Sands, who is well-known for her life-like babies.

Walnut Baby is a one-of-a-kind, spring-jointed doll carved from walnut wood by master carver, Floyd Bell.

Baby Nancy by Shindana Toys, Inc., is the first doll manufactured by the company known for being the first American company to mass-produce ethnically correct Black dolls. Baby Nancy’s head is marked: Div. of/Operation Bootstrap, Inc. USA/©1968 Shindana. The Shindana Toys, Inc. division of Operation Bootstrap, a Black-owned and operated business, made Black dolls designed by Black people from 1968 until the company ceased operation in the early 1980s.

After two years, its time to reorder, or choose another group of dolls to replenish my supply of unique Black doll stationery.

* is an affiliate.  Linking to their website from prior to making a purchase will generate 5% cash back, if you are a registered Ebates user.   

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

American-Made Dolls


Dolls made by independent American doll artists who create one-of-a-kind or limited edition dolls are usually completely crafted in America.  However, I challenged myself to think of American companies who mass produce dolls that are completely manufactured in America.  Sadly, I could not think of one. 

Most American products, including the dolls we collect and buy for our children are usually manufactured offshore, outsourced to places like China in an effort to decrease the cost of manufacture and possibly, but not always, reduce the price we pay.  I'm all for lowered prices but not at the expense of eliminating American jobs.  Outsourcing reduces American jobs whether the outsourced product is food we eat or dolls we collect.   In addition to job elimination, the outsourced products are often inferior compared to American made products.

I recall when My Twinn dolls were manufactured in the US and the superior quality of the original American- made dolls compared to the now China-made dolls.  The exampled My Twinn, American-made dolls' vinyl is heavier, and the hair quality is more superior than the China-made dolls.  There is also a noticeable difference in the former American-made Lee Middleton dolls compared to those made in China. 

Recently, I heard a news story about US airlines outsourcing airplane repairs!  Where will it end or will it ever end?  Americans need jobs and need to be compensated for performing them based on their skills and job performance.  We, Americans, need to support businesses and doll artists who produce American-made dolls and products. 

Will I discontinue buying dolls that are not completely American made?  How can I, if I continue to collect?  But to counter the problem, I have and will continue to make a concerted effort to support doll artists whose dolls are completely made in America.

Can you think of doll artists and doll companies who make dolls solely in America ?  Will you support them?


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Collectors United Easter Dru Giftset by Robert Tonner

Have a happy, blessed, Easter


Friday, April 22, 2011

Once Upon a Child

"Once Upon a Child" paper doll by Diana E. Vining is also available in light skin tone.

Paper doll artist, Diana E. Vining has utilized her artistic skills to create a paper doll depicting the various stages of gestation.  The paper doll includes an expectant mother with outfits illustrating baby's development during the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy.  Each stage includes a few milestones/facts about the baby during the pregnancy.

According to Diana and her website,
This is a special piece because the proceeds from this paper doll will benefit the Option Ultrasound Program, which provides ultrasound machines to Pregnancy Clinics / Resource Centers across the country. PLUS the first 30 purchases of "Once Upon A Child" paper dolls will include a FREE GIFT!
The paper doll is only $5, just in time for Mother's Day, and will make a perfect gift for an expectant mother or paper doll enthusiast.
I've always wanted to use my artwork to do some good in the world... and this is the idea I came up with! -- Diana E. Vining
For more information or to purchase, visit Diana's paper doll shoppe.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Sophisticated Dolls - 22nd International Black Doll Show and Sale


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Show and Tell -- Clyde and Claudia

Clyde and Claudia

These two dolls arrived yesterday.  I won them in an eBay auction last week.  Based on their actual, in-person appearance, they were adequately described by their Scott City, Kansas seller as follows:

Pair Black Cloth & Composition Flour Sack Dolls

This is a pair of newer cloth dolls with composition, resin or some type of hard molded or carved material. I would guess that these are from the 1980's, but that is really just a guess. The only tag on them is a tag that is pinned to one of the sleeves - it reads "Country Cupboard - $30.00". Great condition. They measure approximately 11 inches tall. Flour sack type print clothing overalls and dress. Their shirts have country breakfast type print - "pure sweet butter", "country sausage", etc. Makes me think they might have been made for a restaurant or something.
This morning, after entering their information on my Excel worksheet, I thought, "They need names."  I showed them to my husband and asked him to do the honors.  After a couple of seconds he said, "Clyde and Claudia."  So that's what I've named them.

Using the information from the tag that is pinned to Clyde's shirt, I Googled, "Country Cupboard" and located the Country Cupboard restaurant in Lewisburg, PA. According to their website, Country Cupboard, Inc. includes the restaurant and several retail shops.  One of the shops is Country Home and Interiors, where home decor and collectibles are sold.  Clyde and Claudia may have been sold in this shop or perhaps used as decor in the restaurant, like the seller suggested. 

Clyde and Claudia close up, seated on my not-at-all-country kitchen windowsill

Even if Country Cupboard, Inc., is not their origin, I do know these delightful one-of-a-kind character dolls, a brother and sister pair, arrived to Texas by way of Scott City, KS.  I also know I am glad I set my alarm to wake up and place my last seconds' bid to win this unique pair for $13.50 + shipping. 


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Beatriz Doll Project Needs Your Input

A digital film student at the Kansas City Art Institute in Kansas City Missouri has observed that in Kansas City it is still surprisingly difficult to find black baby play dolls. After searching at several toy stores and Super Wal-Marts and not being happy with the selection, Emily Kissner decided to start a multiphase project that includes creating a documentary that will display peoples' observations about the importance of diversity being displayed in products for children.

Emily requested my help with her project.  Specifically, she wanted to interview me on my interactions with dolls as a collector and enthusiast.  Instead of a telephone interview, I suggested Emily craft a questionnaire for me to answer, which I did.  I offered to share the same questionnaire with fellow doll collectors who would be interested in offering their input. 

Please read more about the Baby Beatriz Doll Project below and, if you would, please take the time to copy and paste the questionnaire into an email, answer the questions, and submit your answers to Emily at your earliest convenience.  Her email address follows the questionnaire. 

The Baby Beatriz Project will illuminate and confront the multifaceted, complex issues that deal with minority children in Kansas City not having adequate access to products that represent their ethnic/racial group. I will focus mainly on the availability and selection of black baby dolls in local stores. A multiphase approach will be utilized.

I am working to incorporate the opinions of people that have had experience with black dolls as children and as adults. I would love to hear your opinions and experiences. Please help me in my search for information and insight by responding to the questions that I have posted below.

You can visit my blog for the full project description and for project process:

Baby Beatriz Project Questionnaire
In what area did you grow up? 

Did you play with baby dolls when you were a child?

Tell me a story about your favorite doll from childhood?

As a child do you remember owning black dolls, white dolls or multiple races? Do you remember being aware of the ethnicities of your dolls at the time that you were playing with them?

Have you ever gone to a store (as a child or presently) interested in buying a black doll? If so, what did you experience? Were you happy with the selection at the store? Why or why not?

Do you believe that there is a legitimate excuse for a large store such a Wal-Mart or Toys R’ Us to not carry several ethnically different dolls?

Do you feel as if the toy selection in stores can affect the way a child looks at the world (consciously or unconsciously)? If so, how? Do you think that it is important for children to have access to dolls that represent their race or ethnicity? Why or why not?

As part of a black doll collecting community do you find it difficult to locate black dolls (at the present time)? During your lifetime, have you seen any changes in availability of black dolls; if so, can you discuss your observations?

What inspires you the most about black dolls?

Please feel free to comment on any issues that you feel I have left out.


Please email your answers to Emily at:

Thank you in advance for helping Emily gather the data needed for the Baby Beatriz Project.  Your input will help in "facilitating social justice, one toy aisle at a time." 


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

African-American American Girl, Girl of the Year

American Girl-type doll made from a doll kit by Fibre Craft/Springfield

The American Girl (AG) doll line has included a Girl of the Year doll since 2001.  These dolls are released annually in limited editions, are available for one year only, and are modern "today" dolls with a central theme, hobby, and/or community focus.  The past and current AG Girl of the Year (GOTY) dolls are listed below:

Lindsey Bergman was released in 2001.
Kailey Hopkins was released in 2003.
Marisol Luna was released in 2005.
Jess McConnell was released in 2006.
Nicki Fleming was released in 2007.
Mia St. Clair was released in 2008.
Chrissa Maxwell was released in 2009.
Lanie Holland was released in 2010.
Kanani Akina was released in 2011.

One of the GOTY dolls has even had a companion doll.  Sonali Matthews (a medium-complexioned doll) was the companion/friend of Chrissa Maxwell.  However, to date, none of the AG GOTY dolls have been African American. African American girls who collect American Girl dolls or even desire to own them may feel left out because a GOTY doll that looks like them is nonexistent. 
Collectors would like to know when an African American AG GOTY doll will be produced.  Certainly one is planned (you think?).   Addy and her escape from enslavement theme are just not sufficient.   We are more than runaway enslaved humans.

Using the contact page of their website, I wrote the company to inquire about the absence of an AA AG GOTY doll.  If you'd like to voice your concern, contact them at the contact link I used.  If you are a US resident and prefer to call, their number is:  800-360-1861.  If you live outside the US or Canada, their number is:  608-831-5210.  Both numbers may be called seven days a week, 6 a.m. to midnight, Central Time.

For more information on American Girl GOTY dolls visit:

In the meantime, more moderately priced 18-inch dolls to consider include:

New Mini American Girl Addy®

Special Edition
Addy® Collectible Mini Doll
(Image from the American Girl website)

I was hoping the new mini Addy® would be presented in a totally new Addy fashion, but no such luck.  Available now through December 31, 2011, or until supplies are exhausted, Addy wears her Christmas dress and comes with an abridged edition of The Christmas Surprise.  The 6-inch (16.24 cm) version of the 18-inch (45.72cm) doll with the book from is $22. 

Each American Girl doll has a story and books that tell them.   

Also new on the American Girl website are Special Edition Samantha Mini, Special Edition Kirsten MiniSpecial Edition Felicity Mini, and a new display shelf for the mini dolls.  Click here to view.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Barbie Basics From Ebony to White

Barbie Basics Model No. 04 from Collections 001 and 002

Mattel's decision to change the complexion of Barbie Basics Model No. 04 from ebony to white has many collectors perplexed.  One such collector recently brought this to my attention.  Jorge (from Brazil) wrote:
I don't know if you wrote something about the dramatic change of the Model Number 4 in the Barbie Basics Black/Jeans.  But if you didn't I think you must... The dark skin girl was a success, all over the world.   And suddenly there's no more Afro girl in the Basic Jeans, and the stunning dark skin girl becomes a red [haired] lady.  Ok we love red hair, but it's important to preserve the success of the Afro beauty of a doll [like] Model Number 4.  Black Doll Collecting must talk about it.
I am doing just that... talking/writing about it. 

After comparing all Barbie Basics collections to date, like Jorge and his fellow Brazilians, I am also troubled by the elimination of the ebony complexion/Afro hairstyle combination used for the first Model No. 04.  Initially, Mattel replaced the doll in Collection 002 with the white, denim jeans-clad redhead shown above.

Model No. 04 will make a third appearance this June in the Barbie Basics Collection 002.5. The hair color is darker, the Goddess head sculpt the same, but the white complexion remains.   As Jorge observed, the Barbie Basics Collection has not offered another ebony-complexioned doll since the first Model No. 04.

I also noticed the disappearance of  Model No. 10.  She has been missing in action since Collection 001.  Remember her LBD with the controversial plunging neckline?  She is also the doll I used as my playscale version of First Lady Obama

Back to the current topic.

"Basically," the only dark-skinned doll (and she's not very dark) that has remained relatively constant in this collection is Model No. 08 -- the Beyoncé-complexioned doll with honey blonde hair.  Model No. 08 was present in Collection 001, the Target-exclusive Collection Red, Collection 002, and will appear again in Collection 002.5.  Does her light-bright-darn-near white... or tan complexion play a role in her inclusion?

Will the ebony-complexioned Model No. 04 ever return or has she been permanently annihilated/axed, bumped off, canceled, discarded/dissed, excluded, gotten rid of, killed, left out, ousted, phased out, rejected/retired, stamped out, terminated?  And,  finally, will Model No. 08 remain the lone, light caramel brown doll in the Barbie Basics Collection?

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Jorge!  Your observation is proof that it's not just me or other frustrated American collectors who desire dolls with melanin-rich-appearing complexions.

As Jorge further explained,
As you know, we have a grand Afro-descendant population here, and the Barbie Basics Number 4 was a success exactly for [representing] the beauty of the dark skin girls.  And many of [these] girls believe in the power of a good image.

A dark skin model in the Barbie Basics Collection for sure was a good step for the self-esteem of these young ladies. So the surprise [about] the change of Model No. 04  was not exactly well taken [by] many people here...
Globally, people usually enjoy seeing themselves in the dolls they collect.  When one is given and later snatched away for no apparent reason, they feel highly disregarded.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Upcoming Doll Show in Atlanta, May 7, 2011

(Image logo is from ADC website, the link to which is included below)

2011 Atlanta Doll Collectors Doll Show and Sale

When: Saturday, May 7, 2011

Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Where: Hilton Suites Atlanta Perimeter
              6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
              Atlanta, GA 30328

Admission: Adults $5, Children under 10 Free


Featuring all types of dolls and doll accessories, including fashion, porcelain, OOAKs, cloth, and more!

Vendor space is still available.  If interested in reserving space, call or email Audra at 404-321-5760 or

For more information:



Hilton Suites Atlanta Perimeter
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, Georgia,
United States 30328-4513

Tel: 1-770-668-0808 Fax: 1-770-394-9474

(Formerly the Doubletree Guest Suites Atlanta-Perimeter)

Directions and Transportation

Airport Directions:

From Peachtree-DeKalb Airport Take Clairmont to Peachtree Industrial. Go north to 285 west
and exit at Peachtree Dunwoody exit 28. Turn right and go through the second light. The
hotel is on the left.

From Hartsfield Int'l Take 85 North to GA 400 North (toll road $0.50). Exit at Glenridge
Connector and turn right. Turn left on Peachtree Dunwoody. Go approximately 1.5 miles,
cross over Hammond Drive. Hotel is on your left.

General Arrival Directions:

From 285 West - Exit 28 (Peachtree/Dunwoody) and turn right onto Peachtree Dunwoody
Road. Cross over Hammond Drive, turn left into hotel parking lot.

From 285 East - Exit at Glenridge Drive (#26), turn left onto Glenridge Drive. At Hammond
Drive, make a right. At the fourth light, Peachtree Dunwoody Rd., make a left. Turn left into
3rd driveway on the left.

From North - Take GA 400 South and exit at Abernathy Rd (5A-B). Go left, following signs
for Dunwoody. Turn right onto Peachtree Dunwoody Road. Go straight through four lights,
after 4th light, hotel will be on right (approximately 1 mile.)

From South - Take GA 400 North and exit at the Glenridge Connector (just before I-285
exit.) Turn right onto the Glenridge Connector. Turn left onto Peachtree Dunwoody Road. Go
approximately 1.5 miles and hotel is the third driveway on the left after crossing Hammond

Atlanta Doll Collectors Club was founded in June 1989.  To learn more about this club, click here.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Giving Ken Some Play

Barbie Basics accessory pack, Look No. 04, Collection 002 for Ken is shown above.  Included are gray ankle boots, low-top black "Chucks," white with black striped Adidas-type sneakers, black loafers; a black shirt, black socks, a black belt, a blue and red cloth belt, a gray knit cap, sunglasses, a wrist watch, a tablet, and a magazine.  Ken's multiple looks using items from this accessory pack are illustrated below:

I enjoyed mixing and matching the accessories on Denim Ken (Model 17). I  discovered his muscular arms and six-pack in the process.  He looks good, with or without the extras, but the gray hat, black shirt, and gray boots combination is my favorite.


Sample/buy The Doll Blogs: When Dolls Speak I Listen, the first eBook featuring dolls that blog!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Studs and Silver - Totally Non-Doll Related

The following stud earrings with simulated stones, set in sterling silver are DarcusTori's current "free" offerings:

$0.00 after Instant Savings ( coupon code 0801 )  -- you will have to pay shipping.

3 Fabulous Spring and Easter Colors

Round Pink Carnation Diamond Stud Earrings
Follow this link: Round Pink Carnation Diamond Earrings
Limit Three (3)


Round Lilac Stud Earrings in Sterling Silver
Follow this link: Round Lilac Stud Earrings

Limit Three (3)


Heart Shaped Amethyst Earrings
Follow this link: Heart Shaped Amethyst Earrings

Limit Three (3)


During their last free offer, I ordered three pairs of yellow citrine square stud earrings.  Shipping was $17, but I don't think I could have purchased three pairs of earrings of the same quality for $17 that would please me as much as these.  They will be gifts because I do not wear studs or silver; but if you do, you might want to take advantage of DarcusTori's current offer and sign up for their monthly newsletter for future free jewelry offerings.  Don't forget to use the code at checkout:   0801


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Doll Test Without Dolls

In Anderson Cooper's recreated "Doll Test," conducted for his CNN news show, Anderson Cooper 360°, he used cartoon characters with various skin tones (instead of dolls) to represent people with a variety of complexions, from white to black.  The first segment of AC's test aired on May 14, 2010, in an attempt to recreate/update Dr. Kenneth Clark's original "Doll Test," which began in 1939 and extended into the 1940s.

In Anderson's test, using images, kindergartners to middle school-age children were subjects.  They were asked a series of  "questions related to [their] perceptions of their own skin color, the skin color they would most like and least like to have and questions assessing their perceptions of the skin colors that are most valued by “referent others”, such as peers, teachers and other adults."*

There are five videos at the CNN website documenting Cooper's "Doll Test."  The first three document the children's responses.  The last two are of a psychologist who offers input.

The link to the videos is below.  Depending on your Internet connection, it may take a while for everything to load; be patient:

More Links:
Documented results of Cooper's Doll Test
Documented results of Dr. Clark's original Doll Test


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sew Inspired

Wood Resin Music Doll by Floyd Bell

An article I wrote on master doll artist-carver, Floyd Bell is in the April 2011 issue of DollReader Magazine on pages 32 - 35.  I just viewed the digital edition.  They did a fabulous job with the layout. 

To view the article, click here.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Yatimi: List Your Crafted Items Free...

...until the end of 2011.  Yatimi appears similar to Etsy, but until the end of 2011, the site is offering free listings and zero commission fees for listing/selling your handcrafted dolls and doll-related items.  If you currently sell on Etsy, you can even import your items from Etsy to Yatimi.  Since I'm not a crafter, I've never used Yatimi.  I read about the service in my UFDC newsletter and thought I'd share the information. 

Check them out here.


Sample/buy The Doll Blogs: When Dolls Speak I Listen, the first eBook featuring dolls that blog!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Doll Test: Museum Needs Your Help

Please view the image at this link; study the dolls in the image, and return here to read my plea for help.

Except for color, the dolls in the image are identical baby dolls used by Dr. Kenneth Clark in his doll test to study the psychological effects of segregation on Black children.  His test began in 1939 and was used to support the argument for school desegregation in Brown v. Board of Education.   The now widely-recognized photograph at the above link was taken by Gordon Parks (renowned photographer, filmmaker, poet, novelist, and composer) and was published in the July 1947 issue of Ebony magazine.   

My help in identifying the dolls in the Parks' photograph was solicited by Martha Davidson, a contracted researcher for the National Civil Rights Museum, located in the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.  The museum is renovating its exhibitions.  One of the featured renovated exhibitions is Dr. Clark's doll test.  The museum would like to include the same dolls used in the test or dolls that were on the market in 1939 or during the 1940s that closely resemble them.

Dr. Clark described the dolls as,  "brown with black hair" and "white with yellow hair."  In the Brown v. Board of Education link above, the dolls are described as "plastic."  Other than this vague description and the Parks' image, little else is known about the dolls. 

After viewing an enlarged image  of the 1947-published photograph (that I cannot publish in this blog because I do not own the rights to it) I have determined some key points about the dolls:

  1. As mentioned initially, except for skin and molded-hair color, the dolls in the photograph are identical and possibly made of plastic.
  2. They appear to be approximately 10 to 14 inches tall.
  3. The dolls in the photograph are jointed at the head, arms, and legs and have bent-baby legs.
  4. The profile image of the black doll is almost identical (if not identical) to American Character's Tiny Tears; however, according to my documentation, AC's Black Tiny Tears was not made until 1950, which rules this doll out.  Because doll companies often purchased molds from the same source, another doll company may have used the same mold that was used for AC's Tiny Tears.
  5. If the dolls are made of plastic or celluloid (a form of plastic), they may have been made by one of the manufacturers listed here.  Two of the listed manufacturers are said to have made Black and White baby dolls, Parsons-Jackson Co. of Ohio, USA and  Paturel, J. Et Cie of France.  Some of the other listed manufacturers may have also made celluloid baby dolls in Black and White as well.  
  6. Based on the year the test commenced, 1939, (if plastic was not the medium used) the dolls could have been made of composition.  Composition was still a popular doll medium during this time. In the enlarged image, I determined the doll's hands are in palm-down position with its fingers separated only at the fingertips.  Additionally, its feet are flat with fused toes.  These are all characteristics of composition dolls. 
  7. Reliable Toys of Canada, whose dolls were widely distributed in the US, made Wetums in 1939, an all composition baby that looks similar to the 1950 American Character Tiny Tears doll.  However, I am unable to document whether or not Reliable made a Black version of Wetums.  Another image of Wetums can be seen  here
  8. The makers of the Jackie Robinson doll, Allied Grand, also made inexpensive Black and White composition dolls during the composition doll era.  But did Allied Grand make Black and White versions of baby dolls similar to those in the Parks' photograph?  
  9. If the dolls are not plastic/celluloid or made of composition, the dolls in the image may be made of rubber as rubber was also used to manufacture dolls in the 1930s. (Sun Rubber Company made dolls from 1923-1950s).  But did they make a Black and White version of a baby doll with the mentioned characteristics in 1939 or during the 1940s?
Based on my assumptions and/or some you may have developed by reading this, please look at the doll test image again, if necessary, and share via email to Ms. Davidson which dolls could have been used in Parks' 1947 photographic documentation of Dr. Clark's experiment. 

If you do not know but know someone who might be able to offer suggestions to help the National Civil Rights Museum and Ms. Davidson (and my inquiring mind) identify baby dolls with these characteristics (made circa 1940s in both Black and White versions, molded hair, palms-down hands with fingers only separate at the fingertips, flat feet with fused toes, and bent-baby legs, possibly of plastic/celluloid, composition, or rubber), feel free to share the link to this blog.

Your help and/or the help from someone you know will be greatly appreciated!


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Friday, April 1, 2011

Prettie Girls! OWP, More Press

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