Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Head Shots, List Price So In Style Baby Phat Dolls

This is a teaser because at the time of this writing, the So In Style Barbie Baby Phat dolls are currently out of stock at  I am writing because yesterday their website had some really nice, over-sized close-ups of the four articulated playscale dolls dressed in super stylish Baby Phat gear.  By the time I was ready to publish this post, unfortunately those head shots had been removed.  From their full view images, I was able to create head shots for the purpose of this blog.  I also wanted to share their list price. 

According to their website, the dolls list for $11.99.  Toy Country's price is $11.94  Below are the head shots -- all except Chandra's were generated from Toy Country images.

So In Style Barbie Baby Phat Dolls:  Chandra, Kara, Marisa, and Grace

I called Toy Country yesterday to see if I could get an estimate on when stock would be replenished.  After confirming they were, in fact, out of stock, I was told they will reorder but they could not provide an estimate on when a new shipment would arrive because delivery is at Mattel's discretion and each vendor is allotted a limited quantity.

Toy Country's website has a "stock alert" feature for those who would like to be notified when the dolls are back in stock and hopefully that will be sooner than later.  According to their website, shipping is always free for orders of $50 and more.

Disclaimer:  I have not ordered from Toy Country before, but wanted to share the head shots as well as the list price in case someone wondered how much these articulated, fashionable dolls cost.  Thanks Mattel, and thanks Stephen Sumner for your awesome designs and listening to the voice of the SIS collector.  It appears you came through for us with these!

Conduct a search at Toy Country to access the ordering page for all four dolls by entering "so in style barbie baby phat" in the search box and clicking "Go."  (http://www.toy  Even though the images of the dolls may not be visible, you can click each image thumbnail to see the full-length view of the dolls.  There is also a link on the ordering page to fill out the "stock alert" feature. 

Happy hunting!


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Rosemary Rock Flowers

In 1971, the Rock Flowers were Mattel's answer to Topper's popular diminutive Dawn and Friends fashion dolls.  Originally debuting as a trio:  Lilac, Rosemary, and Heather, the Rock Flowers were later joined by other dolls including one male, Doug.  Rosemary is the featured doll here.

My first accidental encounter with Rosemary was several years ago through an eBay purchase wherein the seller described the doll as friend of Dawn, Dale.  In the auction images, I recognized her dress as an authentic Dawn dress but did not realize she was not Dale until she arrived with her ©Mattel Inc. 1970 head mark.  Her bendy arms and legs interested me as did her head sculpt which reminded me of a mini 1970s Christie. 

It would be a while before I tracked down Rosemary's true identity as a Rock Flower.  After doing so, I added a never removed from box version to my collection.

Rosemary of the Rock Flowers

The boxed doll has a copyright year of 1970.  She wears red sunglasses and a paisley print double-knit dress with hot pink fringed sleeves and a handkerchief hemline.   Rosemary and the other dolls were sold with a posing stand and a 33-1/3 rpm record containing two "bubble gum" songs.  Their stands were designed to be placed over a short-spindled record player to allow them to "spin and twirl" while their records played.

The back of Rosemary's box nicely illustrates the fashions available for the dolls.  

In addition to dolls and extra boxed fashions, a Whitman paper doll book (shown above) was licensed by Mattel, ©1972.  Rosemary seems to be the center of attention on the cover.

The three-dimensional dolls and their extra-branded products were on the market from 1971-1974.

Interestingly, the 1970s Rock Flowers singing group:  Ardie Tillman (African American), Rindy Dunn (blonde), and Debra Clinger (brunette) were part of the dolls' marketing strategy.  After releasing two LPs and several singles, the group faded away as quickly as Mattel's doll.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Topper's Friends of Dawn

This post is inspired by one recently published by Limbe Dolls illustrating smaller scale fashion dollsThe  focus here is on Dale and Van, friends of Topper's 6-1/2-inch fashion doll, Dawn, from 1970.  The dolls that were reproduced in 2001 by Checkerboard Toys are also featured here.

During the 1990s, I purchased two Dales and Dale's hard-to-find boyfriend, Van, from another collector. 

Two versions of Dale (friend of Dawn) by Topper, 1970

While the two Dales shown above have different head markings, to my untrained eye, their faces look the same.  The one in the multicolored jacket and chartreuse jumper is marked 4/H62.  Dale in the silver brocade and pink gown is marked 4/H32.  Both have black rooted hair styled in a bubble cut, rooted eyelashes, brown painted eyes that have a slight side glance, and very pale lip color.

Original 1970s Dawn dress with matching shoes

Items included with the 1990s purchase were an extra orange halter dress and matching shoes.  Other pieces that I later sold included Dawn dress forms, hangers, and one additional odd clothing piece.

Van by Topper
Released a year or so after Dale, Van wears his original football uniform complete with helmet and shoulder pads underneath his #10 jersey.  No wonder Dale fell for him; he's a quarterback and quite handsome!

Van close-up showing off his Afro.

With molded black Afro and alluring brown eyes, Van is a looker.  Click any of the photos to enlarge for better detail.

Dawn paper doll book that I recently enabled myself to purchase after confirming that I did not already have it.

Paper dolls featuring Dale were also published by Whitman in 1971.  One example is shown above.

According to research, Topper's Dawn line was on the market for only three years (1970-1973).  Today the dolls still enjoy a huge collector fan base as evidenced by the various websites devoted to the dolls and the 2001 limited edition commemorative issues.  Images of the reproduced Dale doll follow:

Commemorative Issue Dale by Checkerboard Toys, 2001
Commemorative Dale is housed inside a replica of the original 1970s box which is tucked inside the commemorative box.

The inside flap of Commemorative Dale’s box reads:

Dale was one of Dawn doll’s best friends when they first hit the scene in 1970.  These dolls, along with their friends Angie and Glori, captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of little girls with their cool styles and groovy fashions.  In the process, they became one of the leading fashion doll lines of the era.

In honor of these dolls that touched the lives of so many, please enjoy this first-ever Commemorative Issue Dawn doll Collectible of Dale and join the thousands that have already been reintroduced to “The Most Beautiful Doll in the World” as we celebrate a generation. 

Except for darker lip color and a shade difference in complexion, the commemorative doll appears very similar to the original 1970s Dale as illustrated above.

New friend-of-Dawn, Denise, by Checkerboard Toys

Along with the reproduced Dale, an additional dark skinned doll, Denise, was added to the Checkerboard Toys manufactured line.  Instead of a bubble cut 'do, Denise has long rooted black hair. Gold lamé and brocade were fashion statements made by the 1970s girls of the Dawn Model Agency and were continued with their fashions of the 2000's.  Denise's extra fashion includes a gold two-piece pants set with brocade jacket.  The skirt she wears matches the jacket of the extra fashion for mixing and matching these "groovy" pieces.

The back of Denise's box illustrates some of the other dolls by Checkerboard.

Van and the other guys were not reproduced by Checkerboard.

"In the Spotlight" commemorative fashion
Checkerboard also released commemorative fashions, such as "In the Spotlight." This boxed set includes a purple evening gown, drawstring purse, fur stole, matching shoes, dress form, hanger, and booklet. 

On the back of the "In the Spotlight" box, other girls model fashions produced by Checkerboard.

Short-lived like their predecessors, Checkerboard's dolls were only marketed from 2001 through 2003. 


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Little Enabling

As doll collectors, we have all been encouraged, enticed, enabled at one time or another to add a doll to our respective collections after seeing something new to the market or seeing another collector's newly acquired doll.

Sometimes we even enable ourselves.

After ruling out the need to purchase the two new articulated So In Style doll sets, Skating Fun Kara and Kianna, and Tennis Fun Grace and Courtney, I had a change of heart for a few reasons.  Initially, I wasn't sure I would like the open/closed mouth smile with appearance of teeth.

The dolls' designer, Stephen Sumner, who is no longer with Mattel, mentioned in a Facebook comment that the dolls were given teeth because collectors had complained it felt as though they were buying the same dolls over and over again.  The open/closed mouth with the appearance of teeth is a different look, according to Sumner.  Kara's curly hairdo also changes her appearance.

So on second thought I concluded, "maybe I should buy Kara."  At the time this decision was made, the doll was sold out at where I am an Prime member.  Another website that had the doll in stock earlier, showed it as a discontinued product.  "Oh no!"  I thought.

Another reason I now wanted both sets is because, beyond the dolls Sumner has designed that are on the horizon, the life expectancy of the So In Style brand may be short.  Has Mattel assigned another designer to the line?  If so, what will that designer do with the dolls?  Will the new designer be as passionate about the line as the original designer, Stacey McBride-Irby; or will the dolls be discontinued?

With so many unanswered questions, I needed what I concluded are the first-of-the-last group of Sumner-designed dolls.  "Kara's curly hair is appealing, they are articulated, and that toothy smile probably isn't so bad," I thought.

With enough self-enabling, I found and purchased a deboxed Kara on eBay for $7.99, but postage bumped the final cost up to $13 and change.  Her little companion was not included.  Desperation will make a doll collector do strange things.

Deboxed Skating Fun Kara (?)

The doll arrived a few days later as a new Kara head on a non-articulated Barbie body, dressed in Skating Kara's outfit minus the skates!  What the bleep???  I immediately contacted the seller regarding my displeasure (the seller's poor quality, dark photos did not show the doll's feet and the arm and knee pads concealed what an unsuspecting buyer would believe were joints).

New Kara head on non-articulated body
This seller normally does not accept returns but allowed me to return the doll for a full refund.  I had to cough up the return postage, but it was only $1.90.  This, plus my frustration, was the price I paid for not following my own advice to ask sellers questions, questions, questions and hold on to their reply until the item is received.  Experience truly is the best teacher. 

Meanwhile,  Vanessa shared images of her deboxed Kara, making me want the doll even more.  I scurried on over to to check availability.  Much to my surprise, both sets (Kara/Kianna and Grace/Courtney) were available and eligible for free shipping to Prime members.

I ordered both and received a surprise bonus in the form of a $19.99 credit as part of their Shop with Points program.  So essentially, I purchased two dolls for the price of one!

I love this form of self-enabling and equally loathe people who try to take advantage of others.

Below are images of the boxed sets with a close-up of Grace, whose new name is Sloane, renamed for the young professional tennis player who recently defeated Serena Williams at the Australian Open (but was defeated herself one day later.)

Skating Fun Kara and Kianna and Tennis Fun Grace (Sloane) and Courtney

Sloane (Grace) and her two front teeth

I'm happy I found both sets, but I'm still not overly enthused with the painted teeth. This, however, may be something SIS collectors will have to accept.  The open mouth with appearance of teeth is repeated in the non-articulated Lipstick Jungle set, which includes Trichelle.


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Russell's Purdy Nigerian Dashiki

I believe in speaking and writing things into existence.

In a comment to my Russell Williams Goes Back to His Roots post, I wrote, "I need to find or make a no-sew dashiki for him and find or make sandals that fit his feet."

Russell now has both.  

Less than a week after writing this desire into the cyberspace universe, I browsed several vendors' shops on Ruby Lane and found what the seller described as "an authentic Nigerian doll outfit designed and produced in Nigeria exclusively by Purdy."   

Dashiki with sash designed and produced in Nigeria by Purdy.  The company's address is listed on the bottom of the insert as:  Purdy, 52, Palm Avenue, Mushin, Lagos, Nigeria, Telephone (01) 521663.  Graphic design by Exceptional Support Lagos, Nigeria

Said to fit an 11-1/2 inch doll, but not Barbie sized, I took a chance on ordering because I could visualize Russell in it as-is or with necessary modifications.  It was only $5 plus shipping.

Much to my delight, it fits Russell quite well.  It did require some minor adjustments.  The back mid section and sleeves are tapered to give it a sleeker fit and the hem is tucked under to shorten.   No sewing was done; I used double-sided tape.  

Russell Williams and his Purdy Nigerian dashiki and dreadlocks wig by Umoja Dolls
Close up of Russell shows the detailing of the circa 1960s/70s dashiki

As illustrated below, I also made Russell a pair of sandals using brown foam.  Two pieces create the sole and one piece creates the forefoot strap. 

Let's see now; what else can I speak into existence?


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Django Action Figures Chained!

8-inch Django Unchanged action figures
As a result of the controversy and petitions surrounding the movie memorabilia figures representing the main characters of Quentin Tarantino's movie, Django Unchained, the 8-inch figures by NECA have been pulled from the market.  Petitioners described the dolls as slave dolls and found them offensive. 

Merchants, who had placed orders, have been notified  their orders have been cancelled.  

Read more here.

Enterbay's 1/6 scale figure, made in the likeness of Jamie Foxx, as of this writing, is still available on preorder, for $199 at Movie with an expected delivery of April 2013.


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Monday, January 21, 2013

Reborn Barack

On pages 360-361 of Black Dolls A Comprehensive Guide to Celebrating, Collecting, and Experiencing the Passion (2008), for Illustration 785 (shown below on left), I wrote:

Reborn doll named Barack by unnamed artist

Barack is a biracial doll that uses the Berenguer “Asian Ning” doll head.  His new brown cloth body has a silicone pellet filling and, when held, his weighted head gives the feel of a newborn infant’s floppy head movement.  Eyelashes, glass eyes; and hand-rooted, dark brown hair give him a realistic appearance.  The doll was reborn in February 2005 by a reborn artist using on-hand reborning supplies, shortly after Barack Obama made history in 2004 by becoming the third African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the U.S. Senate.  Because of the doll’s biracial ethnicity, the author named it for the history-making senator, who at the time of this writing is a 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful.  Coincidentally, the doll, Barack, bears a likeness to author’s grandson, Caleb, as an infant.  With one Caleb doll already in her collection, the name Barack seemed most appropriate for this baby.

DBG's grandson, Caleb, in 2001
To illustrate the facial similarities between the doll and my grandson, the image on the left of  Grandson as an infant is also included on page 361 of Black Dolls.

The book, however, does not divulge the entire story of how I came to acquire reborn Barack.  The true story is that I had commissioned a particular reborn artist to reborn two other dolls for me, infant girls.  After the dolls arrived, I noticed what appeared to be animal bite marks on one of the doll's ears.  Having paid the artist a substantial amount for both dolls, I informed her that I had discovered the damaged ear and wondered why she had not been upfront about it.  The second doll had some minor discolorations in the vinyl. 

Reborn doll, Barack
The artist apologized profusely and later oddly "pieced together" Barack, combining a chocolate brown cloth body with the doll's lighter vinyl head, hands, and feet and sent him to me as a "peace" offering.  This is why I consider him "biracial" and why I named him Barack. 


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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Simple Diorama

I always write, "I don't do dioramas," but the purchase of the above scented oil air freshener prompted the creation of one.  It wasn't until I opened the package that I realized the lamp-shaped air freshener is 1:6 scale or close enough.

I thought I should take a leap to create a simple diorama to illustrate the scale.  So I placed the air freshener back in the packaging and snapped the first image above. 

My husband's assistance was employed to find a household item to use as an end table to hold the lamp.  With his creative eye and instructions to try this, try that; do this, do that, the simple diorama featuring Alvin Ailey's American Dance Theater Barbie and her chaise lounge resulted.

What we used:
The air freshener is the lamp.
Two white plastic cutting boards create the side walls, angled to create depth.
Black velour cloth serves as the back wall and floor.
A white washcloth is a throw rug.
A crystal dessert dish covered with a coaster creates the end table.
The wall art is a thumbnail image copied and pasted onto the original image.

Pretty neat, right?

As I was snapping photos, Husband asked, "You never thought you'd be a 50-year-old woman still playing with dolls, did you?"  My answer was, "No," and I thought to myself, "I'm much closer to 60 than 50, and I'll still be playing with dolls then too."


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Friday, January 18, 2013

More on the Current Issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly

According to the blog published by Stella's Treasures, copies of the Spring 2013 issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly are on sale at their shop.  This issue contains the interview with Deja Dohl that I announced here.

Digital downloads of this full-color, 100-page publication can also be purchased at the Fashion Doll Quarterly website.  

In this issue, FDQ announces back issues of their magazines are now 50% off ($5 each plus shipping).  (An early interview of me is featured in the Spring 2004 Beauty issue.)

If you order all 12 back issues, the cost is $60 plus flat rate priority mail shipping.  This offer includes a copy of their book:  FDQ:  In FOCUS Digital Photography for the Doll Collector (a $145 value package). An order form for the back issues is included in the current issue or you can contact them at

Here's a screen snapshot of the back order deal:
Happy reading and collecting!


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Deja Dohl Speaks!

Deja Dohl, photograph courtesy of Stephan Davidich

With assistance from doll artist, Stephan Davidich, his authentically "Black" fashion doll, Deja Dohl, shares the concept of her creation and future aspirations in an in-depth, first-ever doll interview!   Yes, you read it correctly, I interviewed a doll!  While the table of contents lists the article as an "Artist Q&A," it is actually a doll Q&A.

The interview is published in the Spring 2013 Technology issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly, which should  arrive in subscribers' mailboxes this week.

In the following two videos, with the aid of modern technology, Deja Dohl remarkably speaks and changes her facial expression, respectively. Click the play arrows to view.

Isn't she amazing?

The above two videos were produced by J. David McKenney with Deja's photography and styling by J. David McKenney and Andrew Yang,

If you are not a FDQ subscriber and want to learn more about the lovely Deja Dohl, the Spring 2013 issue can be digitally download for $6.99 here under Featured Items.  Printed copies can be purchased from the FDQ website for $10 plus postage here.

Thank you, Deja Dohl and Stephan, for allowing me to share your story with the readers of Fashion Doll Quarterly.  Once again, a heartfelt thanks is extended to the FDQ editor, Pat Henry, for warmly accepting one of my articles.


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goldie Wilson's Etsy Shop

One-of-a-kind cloth doll by Goldie Wilson, photograph courtesy of the artist

Doll artist, Goldie Wilson, has opened an Etsy shop.  Her dolls are all one-of-a-kind that she designs and costumes.  Goldie's dolls will interest the eclectic collector who enjoys doll art that is unlike any other.

Porcelain baby by Goldie Wilson, photograph courtesy of the artist
While she is currently featuring more cloth dolls, the artist is well known for her porcelain dolls.  The above baby is one porcelain doll example.  Her porcelain doll medium has varied from babies, young girls, to fashionable women.  When asked if she is still making porcelain dolls, Goldie replied, "Yes, I am still doing porcelain. I have not started working on them. I will be posting after March."

To be updated on her new doll art, visit and friend Goldie on Facebook.


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Friday, January 11, 2013

Russell Williams Goes Back To His Roots

As shown above, (Ultra Basic) Russell Williams' manufactured hair is straight, pulled back into a ponytail.  I never liked this style for him, but did nothing with it until now.

His new hair was advertised by Umoja Dolls on The Show and Sell site of The Doll Page in the form of a dreadlocks wig.

I love his new look!

Russell Williams with locs

All he needs now is another shirt... one made for a male.  The one he wears (including the pants) is part of a CED fashion.  He doesn't know nor does he care that he's wearing  female clothing.


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I Won! I Won!

I had the pleasant surprise in the form of an email this morning from Shasha of Atelier ni Shasha that informed me I am one of the winners of her  Welcome 2013 Contest!

Some readers of this blog may have been introduced to Shasha through a post I published after receiving my first doll fashion order from her, placed through her Etsy shop.  I was so impressed with the fashions and presentation, that I just had to share.

Shasha is also mentioned in my Ebonilicious post in the description of Model of the Moment Nichelle's fashion.  Shasha made Nichelle's black leggings, which fit like new skin!

As a follower of her blog, I immediately entered her contest and hoped I would be one of the winners, and I am!

I look forward to receiving the fashion I selected, which will be revealed here when one of my lucky ladies  styles and profiles it for you!

Thanks again Shasha for your generosity and sewing expertise!

I won!  I won!


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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Will the Real City Shopper Please Sell?

No, I am not City Shopper Barbie, I am Barbie Basics Model 08, Collection 002.5, but I am wearing City Shopper's complete fashion and accessories.

Barbie Basics Model 08 Collection 002.5 redressed in AA City Shopper Barbie's fashion

City Shopper arrived this past Saturday.  I decided to keep the fashion and accessories and eBay the Mbili-facial sculpted doll, her box, certificate, and doll stand along with the current issue of Barbie Collector, which features the City Shopper dolls on the cover.

All of my Barbies are beginning to look alike since Mattel continues to reuse the same sculpts for the African American dolls.

If interested in the nude City Shopper and the other items mentioned above, check her out, by clicking here


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Little One is a Handful

Limited edition silicone babies by Ping Lau
 After seeing the above image on Facebook during the last week of 2012, I contacted doll artist, Ping Lau to inquire about the availability of the little brown baby with yellow ribbon on the lower left.  Ping describes them as 3-1/2-inch "squeezy silicone babies," made in a limited edition of 12, all girls, for $49 with free shipping within the US or $49 + $8 international shipping.

The one I wanted was still available.   

Silicone baby by Ping Lau

Wrapped in a pink felt square that has a lime green daisy in the center of the front and back, my new baby arrived on 1/2/13 wearing a white diaper pinned in front with a brass safety pin. Her black applied hair has one topknot held with a yellow ribbon. She has painted dark brown/black eyes.  Her silicone medium, the reason I purchased her, makes her my first doll of this kind.

Happy new baby to me!

I am not sure what I will name my (psi-alpha) last doll purchase of 2012 and first doll to arrive in 2013, but I am open to suggestions.  

If interested in acquiring one of these (if any remain), please email the artist: .


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ebony Jr!'s Rare Gems: Sunny and Honey

Volume 1, Issue 1 of Ebony Jr! was published in May 1973 by Johnson Publishing Company, the publishers of Ebony and Jet magazines.  Described by Google Books as “the largest ever children-focused publication for African Americans,” Ebony Jr! was geared toward children ages 5 through 10.  Single issues originally sold for 50 cents in 1973.  By 1985, the last year of publication, single copies were $1.
Ebony Jr!, designed to engage the younger set, included short stories, such as “The Haunted Ship in Charleston Harbor”; recipes like “BakingPowder Biscuits”; and oodles of games and things to do.  The publication kept little subscribers anticipating their next issue.  Word Mystery is one game example that was a fun way to boost  knowledge and vocabulary.   However, the most popular feature in each issue of Ebony Jr! was the adventurous brother and sister duo, Sunny and Honey. 

Screen capture of the original Sunny and Honey characters

In print, these siblings served as positive images for young readers and also further encouraged learning and literacy.  Many young readers’ letters to Ebony Jr! confirm their delight for Sunny and Honey, whose articles and character illustrations improved with each issue.

Ebony Jr! Sunny and Honey cloth doll ad (screen captured from the December 1973 issue)

By December of the debut year, Ebony Jr!’s Sunny and Honey characters were available by mail order as 18-inch, stuffed-cloth dolls wearing colorful, painted-on clothing.  The Honey doll holds her very own brown baby doll.  Sunny’s yellow shirt proudly advertises his Ebony Jr! affiliation.  Their original, 1973 cost was $3.95 each as shown in the above screen captured image of a Sunny and Honey ad that first appeared in the December 1973 issue of Ebony Jr!

Sunny and Honey dolls were advertised in several issues of Ebony Jr! from December 1973 through April 1976.  During this same period, ads for the dolls also appeared in sporadic issues of Ebony and Jet magazines.

It is safe to assume that since advertisements for the dolls in Ebony Jr! ceased in 1976, that original quantities sold out that year.  Research reveals the dolls made a comeback several years later, as advertised in the May 20, 1991, issue of Jet, which featured Bill Cosby and the young Raven-Symone on the cover.  At that time, the dolls were only available through Ebony and Jet magazine as Ebony Jr! had ceased publication.  The dolls' 1991 cost was $4.95 each plus $2 for postage. 

Below are images of the original Sunny and Honey cloth dolls provided by Ms. Carolyn Armenta Davis – All Rights Reserved
These rare Ebony Jr! Sunny and Honey dolls were acquired by Ms. Carolyn Armenta Davis* in approximately 1974 from Johnson Publishing Company as promotional material when she co-produced the weekly Black Entertainment Show, Tilmon Tempo that aired on Chicago’s Channel 5, NBC-TV. 

At present, Ms. Davis desires to find a new home for her dolls.  Seriously interested parties are invited to contact her directly regarding acquisition of these well-preserved, fine examples of Ebony Jr! and Johnson Publishing Company memorabilia.  Davis describes their condition as excellent without tears and with full color cloth.  Her email address is: .

While Ebony Jr! ceased publication in 1985 and dolls of the Sunny and Honey characters last sold in 1991, the characters are a mainstay.  The more contemporary Sunny and Honey can be seen at the Ebony Jr! website: .  I had hoped to glean additional information about the characters and the dolls, specifically how many were produced and the exact year beyond 1991 that selling ceased.  Unfortunately, other than a few cover images of past Ebony Jr! publications, the site offers little in the way of information.

Other than Ms. Davis' dolls, I have never seen any others.  This could mean few remain or those that do belong to owners not willing to part with them.

*Carolyn Armenta Davis, an international lecturer, historian, and curator on contemporary Black|African Diaspora architects, is also an award-winning broadcast writer-producer; a non-profit and business advisor; and a world traveler.


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