Monday, October 19, 2015

Elin and Elan, New Name, New Wigs

Elan (formerly known as Elin) and her sister, Elin wear new wigs.

I decided both girls should not have the same name. One will be Elan and the other will maintain her original name, Elin. The second one to arrive will be called Elan.

Both girls are wearing new wigs. Elan wears a black wig with two side ponytails and bangs, called Pippi.  Other than burgundy, black was the only available color in this size.  Elin wears an auburn curly wig that the manufacturer named, Eve.  It was the only available color.  The Eve wig is very long and might be cut later.  For now the girls are enjoying their new looks.

After taking this full-length photo, the girls swapped wigs.

Still looking a-dor-a-ble, they decided to swap again and play a hand clapping game.
Like the girls in the video, Elan and Elin clap and sing Down Down Baby.  

Now they need new outfits.



  1. So sweet and adorable!!
    I Love Them!!

  2. I think they look perfect in their wigs and extra cute doing their hand clapping game.

  3. I didn't know these dolls wear wigs! So cute!

  4. The new wigs are beautiful, these are such cute girls! I think they will be very spoiled by you with new clothes, wigs and shoes :-D!

    1. Thanks, Linda. I think so too. New shoes and socks arrive Saturday for them. The trouble with twins is I have to buy in duplicate, even if the items are not identical.



  5. Hello.. Permission to post.. Can anyone recognize this doll? I had it from a thrift shop. Please click this link to for the photo.. Thank you


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