Friday, January 27, 2017

A Doll Picture Puzzle to Solve

One of the photos used in the post:  More on My Brown Doll and Friends

I stumbled upon the Jigidi site where the goal is "to offer the best online puzzle experience.  [The site strives] to combine the fun parts of actually laying a physical puzzle with the obvious benefits of a digital solution."

Using the above photo from one of my blog posts, Jigidi has created a digital puzzle.  If you enjoy solving puzzles, see if you can solve this one by navigating here and clicking/tapping the "solve puzzle" button, or by clicking/tapping the photo at their site.  Have fun!

NOTE:  Jigidi's title for this puzzle incorrectly dates the dolls from the 1950s and 1960s.  The dolls are actually from the 1930s through 2000s.

In case you missed the link:  Doll Photo Digital Puzzle

Follow my sister blog Ebony-Essence of Dolls in Black
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  1. I did it! It took me over an hour to do so, but I did. Lol! This was so fun! Thanks for making my Friday evening eventful! This was a nice way to unwound. Happy Friday!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, G.G. I might even give it a try. I played solitaire for the first time on my laptop yesterday and now understand how my husband can spend hours playing several digital card games. I am not a puzzle person, but I might even give this puzzle a try. I "should" be able to solve it, right? :-)


    2. Yes, you should. Lol!! It probably would have taken me a shorter time, but I wanted to do so without looking back at the picture. I love challenges. I also love solitaire. The digital games are perfect time fillers.

  2. Oh my goodness that was fun! I have a lot of ideas to use this for! The only bad thing I have to say about it is...once I got started I couldn't stop and it was really late! Check out the time I am typing this!! LOL Thanks Debbie!

    1. Oh wow, TGM, I can imagine that once you get started you'd want to finish. It would be great if there was a save feature so you could return to it later. I am not sure what's all involved since I haven't tried solving it yet, but you and GG have me convinced that I should give it a try. I'll make sure I have a lot of time on my hands before attempting it. So glad you two enjoyed.

      Another person who solved it said at the end she was asked to guess how many dolls are in the photo. Did you guess?


    2. I saw that question, but there was nothing there for me to enter my answer. It actually just went away.

  3. That was such a cool experience, very different, very fun!


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