Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Grandma Doll by Marilyn Bloodworth

The Grandma Doll by Marilyn Bloodworth

To support Marilyn (The Dollmaker) Bloodworth's, most recent dollmaking initiative, I preordered one of her 12-inch plush Grandma dolls, which arrived recently. (Including the hair, my doll measures 14 inches.)

This unique doll has fluffy gray hair, embroidered eyes, brown felt eyeglasses with an attached pearl eyeglass chain, and wears a multicolored full-length sleeveless dress, a removable yellow velour jacket, and stitched-on black shoes. To add authenticity, Grandma has stitched forehead wrinkles.

Grandma stands (with support) in this photo.

Grandma sits in this photo.

Grandma appears stylish with or without the yellow jacket.

The Grandma doll is available in two complexions. Visit the website for more details and ordering information. 
©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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  1. She's fantastic! I love her dress, but the best part is the eyeglass chain! My grandma on Mom's side used one. The other one didn't wear glasses. :)

    1. I agree; she is a sweet doll. Grandma and Grandpa dolls aren't seen often enough that have this much personality. "Old, decrepit people" is usually the only impression derived from most dolls that depict the elderly.


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