Thursday, September 12, 2024

Barbie 2020 Campaign Team

The Barbie 2020 Campaign Team Giftset includes the four dolls as shown.

A set of four boxed dolls from the Barbie You Can Be Anything series features campaign team Barbies and their roles: Campaign Fundraiser, Campaign Manager, Candidate, and Voter. Released in 2020 with a copyright of 2019, I was recently "enabled" to buy this set after seeing another collector's set, and because the current Democratic Party candidate is a woman of color who has received a tremendous amount of support from women of all ethnicities, I thought this would be perfect for my collection now.

The back of the box features images of each team member with an explanation of their political roles.

The Campaign Fundraiser

A Campaign Fundraiser works to raise the money needed to run the campaign, among other things, as fully described on the back of the box.

The Campaign Manager

A Campaign Manager works in partnership with the candidate while overseeing the campaign's day-to-day operations. The rest of the manager's duties in detail continue on the back of the box.

The Candidate uses the Asha head sculpt.

A Candidate is an individual who decides to run for an elected office or is nominated and accepts the nomination by her political party to run for office. Other tasks of running for the highest political office in the U.S. are described on the back of the box.

The Voter
A Voter will vote for a candidate running for office among other important things to ensure the best candidate is elected.

My initial plan was to replace the white dolls with Black dolls dressed in the white dolls' clothing, but I've decided to keep the dolls as they are because Kamala Harris has a diverse group of women (and men) supporting her 2024 presidential run. If I ever change the dolls, I'll only swap out The Candidate for a doll that is a closer complexion match to Candidate Harris.

From the words/tweet of now-presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris,

... and "when we fight, we win; we are not going back" to divisive patriarchal rule.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

1950s Doll with Bun

1950s doll with bun hairstyle

This little girl arrived in September 2023. I reconnected with her recently while looking for other dolls. I searched the blog to see if I had written about her, but I had not. I did install her in the virtual museum with a taller, similar doll. 

After she arrived "wearing" her original molded-on underwear which is the same color as her vinyl complexion, I found the perfect yellow print dress for her to wear. I photographed the preview photo and the photo below for this blog post before she was returned to her display shelf. 

1950s rubber doll with a bun hairstyle

Isn't she adorable?

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Art Doll Wood Carving

Redwood carved doll art by Kor January

One of my most recent and prized doll acquisitions is a carved redwood art doll by master carver Kor January. This mixed media piece can be displayed as a seated "doll" or as an elaborate wall hanging. I display it as a wall hanging as illustrated next.

It is an elaborate piece of doll art.

See more pictures and the description of this 39-inch art doll in a recent Virtual Black Doll Museum installation here.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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