Thursday, September 26, 2024

An Unbranded Barbie Clone

An unbranded, articulated Barbie clone

This unbranded Barbie clone arrived a few weeks ago. My curiosity about the quality prompted the purchase. Was she worth it?

She has boucle yarn hair, brown-painted eyes, and a light pink lip color.

The first thing I did to improve her appearance was to change the awful pink lip color. 

I repainted the lips with Tuscan Red acrylic paint.

A couple of layers were applied to achieve this result.

To maintain the matte look, I opted not to seal the paint with satin varnish. 

The next and final thing I did before incorporating the doll into the collection was to redress her as illustrated next.

The camera slipped as I attempted to take a full-length photo.

She is redressed in a Sparkle Girlz fashion and a pair of silver high-heel shoes.

Her love-themed Sparkle Girlz dress works well with the silver rose stud earrings she wore originally. I added a pair of silver high-heel shoes and made a spiral bracelet from pliable silver wire. Next, I placed her on a doll stand and incorporated her into a display of branded fashion dolls.

The others think she is worthy of being here.

For $4.99, I agree, she was worth the purchase.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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1 comment:

  1. She's pretty. Pity she's not branded; I'd like to learn more about her. You made her look super-nice, though.


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