Back in June of this year, Karen Oyekanmi (Kissing Kousin Dolls) was commission to create a doll based on my specifications. The doll was to have a caramel brown complexion, red hair, and freckles. Because I was not in a hurry to receive the doll and because Karen was working on dolls for The Festival of Black Dolls Show and Sale, which took place this year on November 4, 2017, I decided having the doll dressed in Christmas colors would be appropriate. I, however, wanted colors or a color that would be suitable for year-round wear.
This photo of a little girl wearing a kelly-green dress was sent to Karen to use for the doll's dress color and style with the exception that I desired short sleeves as opposed to sleeveless.
As her inspiration, Karen used the above photo of a little girl with the complexion, hair color/texture, and freckles I specified.
The following photos, shared by Karen, illustrate the doll making progress. Details are provided in the voice of the doll.
"My body has already been formed. Look at me. I can already stand by myself." |
"Now that my face is painted, I think I look almost identical to the little girl in the photo. My hair and freckles match hers too." |
"My kelly-green dress has been made with matching undies. I am waiting for socks and shoes." |
"Socks and shoes have been added." |
"My ears are pierced. In this picture I wear faux diamond studs. I also have a red gift box." |
"After I was completed, my trip from California to Texas began on October 26, 2017. Debbie did not pick me up from the post office until the afternoon of November 3, 2017. After she opened the box and removed my tissue paper wrapping, I could see her smiling. 'She must like me,' is what I thought. She examination me from head to toe. I knew she was surprised when she saw my hands."
"The next morning, after making some minor adjustments, she took the following photos of me in my new home."
"Debbie thinks I am beautiful!" |
"How about you? Do you think I'm cute? " |
"There are three pearls on the back of my dress, which is permanently sewn on. A green velour ribbon is at the waist of my puff-sleeve dress." |
"My green headband matches the waist ribbon of my dress. Debbie exchanged my faux diamond earrings for pearl studs to match the buttons on the back of my dress. She loves the texture and color of my hair because it reminds her of how red her grandson's hair was when he was younger. I am looking forward to meeting him and his little brother."
"Debbie took photos of my hands to show my fingernails. She was surprised about this. Each of my fingers is also wired for posing. Pretty cool, right?" |
"Here I am in one final photo, seated with the red gift box Ms. Oyekanmi sent with me." |
"There's a toy inside my gift box!" |
"On my certificate of authenticity, Ms. Oyekanmi gave me the name, 'Little Red.' Because of the color of my dress, Debbie renamed me Kellie and wrote that on the certificate alongside 'Little Red.'"

Kellie is made of felt. She has a gorgeous hand-painted face which, as she indicated, is almost identical to the photo of the girl that was Karen's inspiration. She is 20 inches tall, with mounds of beautiful wavy red hair adorned with a green velour headband. She has applied ears, which are also made of felt. Her kelly-green dress has a solid green bodice with collar and skirt made of black and green print fabric. The hem is trimmed with yellow scalloped stitching and the skirt is made fuller by yellow crinoline underneath. Kelly-green panties, pearl stud earrings, white socks, and black faux leather shoes complete her fashion. Made as a limited edition of "1" by Karen Oyekanmi of Kissing Kousin, Kellie is my first 2017 Christmas doll, a present from me to me. I will have an opportunity to enjoy her for several weeks before Christmas and for many years to come.
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