Thursday, June 30, 2022

1967 Reproduction Francie

Barbie Signature 1967 Reproduction Francie

My 1967 Reproduction Francie arrived this week. I was getting a bit worried since so many others had received their dolls and I had not even received a shipping notification from Mattel Creations, but alas, she is here. She is still in the box, but I took several photos, as usual, and I have documented this lovely doll in my spreadsheet.

More Photos

Francie is housed in a "groovy" colorful box, the backdrop of which is a colorful door graphic.

Francie wears a reproduction of the Floating-In dress with fuchsia gloves and fuchsia kitten-heel pumps.

She is gorgeous!

The pointed-toe pumps have a cutout at the toe.

Francie has brown painted eyes, rooted eyelashes, and stiffened rooted brown hair with bangs and flipped ends. The closed mouth is painted pink which works well on her.

Some collectors have washed their dolls' hair which softened it and added length. 

A beautiful illustration of Francie is on the back of the box above the doll's description.

Click or tap to enlarge to read the description. According to the box, "No more than 20,000 worldwide" Francie 1967 Reproduction dolls exist.

One side of the box has trees and brick wall graphics.

The other side of the box illustrates a building or house shutters, a window, a brick building base, and flowers.

In comparing this doll with Wild Bunch Francie, I believe their complexions closely match. Below, I've added a photo of my other three Francies, which includes Wild Bunch.

Original 1965 Francie, Reproduction Wild Bunch Francie (1997), and Fuchsia 'n Fur Francie (2012)

I have added the 1967 Reproduction Francie to the museum installation of the First Black Francie, which can be read here

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Saturday, June 25, 2022

Barbie Life in the City Lyla - Updated 11.25.22

Barbie Life in the City Lyla comes with a headset, album, album cover, laptop, and puppy.

After seeing Lyla's prototype photos on Facebook, I knew I wanted her. was the place to go to purchase. I waited a couple of days before completing the order because I am a sucker for free shipping, and it took me that length of time to recall something I needed that I could order with Lyla.

Why I am willing to purchase something extra to qualify for free shipping when I know full well that I am falling for the free-shipping hook is a question I can readily answer. I literally want to avoid shipping at all costs. Retailers know they will increase profits from customers who take advantage of the minimum purchase offer to qualify for free shipping. But oh well... I get the doll and other items I "need," so I'm not complaining. 

Lyla wears a graphic T-shirt (a boombox on a bed of roses). The T-shirt is paired with red/yellow/and black check leggings. Black Army-style boots, a silver-studded headband, and a matching silver bracelet complete her look. In addition to the accessories mentioned in the first caption, Lyla also has a blue backpack.

Lyla arrived swiftly. She's not out of the package yet, but I've taken some initial photos to share along with a few headshot comparisons between Lyla and other dolls whose facial structure is similar (the chiseled jawline, in particular). 

Lyla's Army-style boots are visible in this photo captured from the side of the package.

Her brown puppy and a portion of her blue backpack are visible in this photo.

Head Shot Comparisons

Lyla and Claudette have a similar jawline. Claudette's cheekbones appear more defined, but this appearance might be caused by the different angles of their heads in these combined photos. Their nose and lip shapes differ.

Just to be sure of the differences, Lyla posed with another doll that uses the Claudette sculpt, BMR1959 Barbie GNC46. The differences noted above between the two head sculpts are again noted.

Lyla and Pazette's chiseled jawlines are similar; however, Lyla's face, nose, and lips are fuller.
Lyla is compared with Daya (Cheerful Check). Daya's face is fuller, but Lyla's nose and lips are fuller than Daya's. Daya's sculpt usually has an open smile with teeth.

This comparison was taken just to prove that Lyla doesn't look anything like Elle (Barbie Looks #2). These two use two different head sculpts.

Lyla reminds me of so many dolls, but I've concluded that she is a new sculpt with a personality all her own. I will free her soon.

06/30/22 Addendum

At the request of Black Angel, I've added an additional photo comparison below.

Lyla and Zig and Zag (Fashionista #57) compare head sculpts.

06/30/22 To:  Black Angel

While the corners of their mouths curl up the same, I believe the top lips have a different shape. Lyla's top lip has a more outward protrusion than ZiZi's. Lyla's nose is also fuller. The eyes have a different shape. They are different dolls. ZiZi's head has a copyright of 2016. I am told that Lyla's head copyright is 2021. I'll confirm this after I remove her from the box. Thank you for reading the post and for your inquisitive comment. 

7/22/22 To Anonymous, who wanted to know the "head numbers," Lyla's head and back are marked as follows:

Head: ©2021 MATTEL 
Upper Back in silver print: HGX52 / R121 
Lower Back in raised letters: ©2017 Mattel / 1186 MJ, 1, NL / MADE IN INDONESIA

Per request of an anonymous comment on 11/24/22, the following photo is a Lyla and Simone comparison. 

Lyla and Simone comparison photo

Lyla and Simone do not share the same head sculpt. The shapes of their noses and mouths differ. The corners of Lyla's lips are upturned while Simone's are not. Lyla's nose is slightly broader than Simone's. The tip of Simone's nose is thinner. 

Simone's head and body marks are as follows:
Head: ©2021 MATTEL
Lower Back: ©2018 Mattel / 1186 MJ, 1, NL / HBX93 (gold letters) / R091 (gold letters)

In the video at the following link, the YouTuber provides a Lyla and Simone comparison.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Vintage Reproduction Francie

Stock photo of Vintage Reproduction Francie released 6/16/22.

I just ordered mine here

From Mattel.Creations dot com:
55 years ago, Francie was the first Black doll released by Mattel, and paved the way for more Black dolls and dolls of color to be added to the line. We're honoring her groundbreaking anniversary with this vintage reproduction.
I look forward to receiving this MODern doll.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Autographed Hardcover Copies of My Book are Here

Order your autographed copy of The Doll Blogs today.

The Doll Blogs When Dolls Speak I Listen, autographed, hardcover, second edition is available to purchase now on a first-come, first-served basis from me. When my copies sell out, I may or may not order additional copies. Get yours from me, now.

The book is $49.95 plus shipping based on your zip code or other location if purchased from me through this blog post. Paypal is the accepted online payment or mailed money order. 

If you'd like to purchase an autographed copy of the second edition of The Doll Blogs When Dolls Speak I Listen, click or tap the email button below to send an email for purchasing specifics. 

Thank you in advance for your support and happy reading!

Both hard and softcover versions of The Doll Blogs #ad can be purchased on Amazon at any time. The retail-priced Amazon copies are not autographed. While quantities last, my remaining autographed author copies that have minor cover imperfections may be purchased on Amazon by selecting the "1 used from $47.95" link. The autographed author copies are, however, not used. 

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Happy World Doll Day 2022

UNICEF Kids dolls (1990s)

Happy World Doll Day! "Every year on the second Saturday in June, World Doll Day celebrates the idea of a doll delivering a universal message of love and happiness. The day also encourages you to give someone a doll, especially to a child that does not have one. It seems that people have loved dolls since nearly the beginning of time."

The six dolls in the photograph are part of the UNICEF Kids collection dolls from the 1990s (there were a total of nine dolls available).  The two dolls at the bottom of the above image are Juan from Mexico and Laurie from the US.  Going counter-clockwise from Laurie, above and around are Liu from China, Tanya from USSR, Sita from India, and Moza from Tanzania.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Barbie Looks Model 10 Again

Barbie Signature Collection Model 10 is back.

Barbie Looks Model 10 from the Barbie Signature Collection returns for comparison photos with other ebony-complexioned dolls, to make note of a couple of things I did not mention or illustrate in my previous post, and to show off her newly pierced ears and earrings. 

Let's begin with the ear piercing and earrings.

I found these awareness-ribbon-shaped faux diamond-encrusted earrings at a dollar store. This and one other similar pair of hoops were the only ones that appealed to me for the doll (they are not something I would personally wear).

I used the earring posts to pierce her earlobes and guided the posts into the lobes without a problem.

The back of her bone straight hair, which was not illustrated in the previous post, is illustrated above.

Mention was made of her silver ankle boots, but a close-up photo was not included in the previous post. The boots have block heels and are the same style (but different color) as the boots worn by Model 6 from this series.

Model 10 loves to pose without even being asked.
The Comparisons

There are a minimum of two photos for each comparison (a close-up and a full-length view). The differences in the shades of their heads/faces are apparent without the dolls' heads touching. In the pictures, the dolls' arms are close or touching. Use the arms as a body complexion comparison reference. 

Fashionistas 125 and 90 (both are redressed with repainted lips) compare their complexions with Model 10.

Model 10 towers so much over these two that she had to slump down for this picture.

Princess of South Africa (redressed) poses with Model 10.

Model 10 and Princess of South Africa in a close-up

Barbie Basics Model No. 4 Collection 001 (redressed) poses with Model 10.

Close-up of Model 10 and Barbie Basics Model No. 4

So far, Model 10 compared her complexion with other Mattel-made dolls. The last complexion comparison with a non-Mattel doll also illustrates quality differences.

Model 10 and Keeki Adaeze by Integrity toys posed for comparison photos. Keeki is surprisingly taller.

Their body complexions are close. Keeki's face coloring matches the color of her body better.

The sculpting and mechanism of Keeki's hands and knee joints are hands-down much better than Model 10's. Model 10's index through ring fingers are fused and her nails are not manicured. All of Keeki's fingers are separate with stiletto-sculpted and painted fingernails. 

It's a known fact that the standard of quality of Integrity Toys dolls is superior to Mattel's. You get what you pay for holds true. The question is, do you want to pay $100 for a doll of superior quality or $20 for one and derive almost the same amount of pleasure? It's a no-brainer for me.

Who has the prettier face?

Both dolls are lovely. Changes or additions to Model 10 that I would suggest to improve quality and appearance: eliminate the odd-grayish jawbone blushing that makes the skin appear "ashy" and match the head and body coloring, manicure the nails, and create a sleeker appearance to the elbow and knee joints. Separate the fingers to add realism, however, finger separation is not a definite requirement for me.

After the ear piercing and complexion comparison photographs, Model 10 needed some "me-time." (I did, too!)

Buy her at retail while quantities remain:

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Barbie Looks Model 10

Barbie Looks Model 10

This gorgeous doll was somewhat difficult to photograph. She has grayish blushed lower jaws that distorted her face in some pictures that I discarded. Her ebony complexion is otherwise lovely. The articulation is perfect. I love her sinewy body and she loves to pose it. View the photos and captions below. 

Barbie Looks 11, 10, and 12 are featured on the back of the box.

These two head shots (here and below) were taken while Model 10 was still attached to the box liner.

She wears a short-sleeved silver lamé crop top and a black wet-look skirt with silver ankle boots.

The brown painted eyes are lined with blue and fuchsia eyeliner. The lip color is bronze.

Still in the box attached to the liner

Finally released and striking a pose with her Tall Barbie body

Her long bone-straight black-rooted hair has a center part and extends below her bottom.

A comparison headshot illustrates the similarities between Models 10 and 7. Their visible head markings are the same. (Model 10's gray jaw area is visible in this photograph.)

These two sculpts look the same to me.

Model 10 towers over Model 7's petite stature.

Models 7, 2, and 10 pose for a photo.

Model 4 introduces himself to Model 10 as Models 7 and 2 look on.

The Looks dolls (7, 2, 4, and 10) display well together.

Model 10 will be back soon. 

Buy her at retail while quantities remain:

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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