Thursday, April 20, 2023

More Friends Forever Club -- Updated

Additional Friends Forever Club dolls

I returned to Dollar Tree and purchased the above Friends Forever Club dolls and the purple wardrobe. The additional items are described in the following video.

My original post about Friends Forever Club dolls included the flaw/con about Carina's painted-blue arms. I noticed that Alanis' upper arms (to represent short sleeves) are also painted. If desired, the arms can be repainted to match the dolls' complexions or, you can try removing the paint. However, this is not an option for me because I'm afraid the color of the dolls' skin tone will be removed, too. I won't paint their arms either, at least not for now.

Here is the link to my first post about Friends Forever Club dolls.

Addendum... later the same day, I opened up the wardrobe and recorded the following video.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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  1. The vinyl removeable clothes make sense combined with the fabric clothes. But painting sleeves is just a head shaker! They have to know it will only match the outfit they are wearing and they provided more clothes for them!

  2. Painting the sleeves was definitely a poor design decision. dbg


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