Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Xian Xian Doll 2

A boxed Xian Xian doll arrived from China with other items in this plastic mailer.
The doll's box was covered with a tight layer of styrofoam.
The styrofoam did not prevent damage to the box as illustrated here and in the next photo.
The top corner of the "Looks" box was crumbled during shipping.
The doll's name and skin color are included on the back of the box as "Supermodel doll" and "Black" respectively.
The doll was attached to a "Xian Xian Princess" printed red box liner. (The liner took some hits during shipping.)
Thankfully, this doll does not have the bent leg flaw that my first doll has. 
Both dolls use the same head sculpt. This one's darker lip color makes her look slightly different. See the comparison photo later in this post.
I ordered these three mix-and-match fashions which include shoes as shown.

Denim Skirt Ensemble

The fishtail denim skirt ensemble includes a sparkly gold halter top with a gold neck chain, an aqua mock-tweed knit coat, aqua high heels, and dark sunglasses.

Supermodel Miya wears the complete denim skirt ensemble.
In this photo, the knit "tweed" coat is removed.

Knit "Tweed" Skirt Ensemble

The next ensemble includes an aqua mock-tweed knit jacket, matching skirt, and oversized cap with a white cotton crop top, and a larger denim purse with a gold bead and pearl shoulder strap.

Miya models the complete "tweed" knit skirt ensemble.

The "tweed" ensemble is modeled without the jacket.

Again, without the knit "tweed" jacket, Miya models the oversized cap, the COC logoed crop top, and the denim shoulder bag that has Xian Xian in red letters printed on the front.

Denim Pants Ensemble
The last fashion includes pleated baggy denim pants, a sparkly gold halter with yellow ribbon ties, an oversized white shirt, an aqua knit "tweed" hobo purse, a gold bead and pearl necklace/waist chain, and black slingbacks.

Miya models the complete denim pants ensemble.

To get Miya's hands through the small cuff holes, the hand was first wrapped with a plastic candy wrapper (that's what I had nearby without going to the kitchen to get Saran wrap). Without the plastic wrapping, her stiletto fingernails poked the fabric and thread inside the sleeves and cuffs. 

The two Miyas are seen in a comparison photo. They share the same head sculpt. Braided-hair Miya's darker lip color gives her a slightly different (and better in my opinion) appearance.

The Two Miya Supermodels

Miya #2 continues to wear the aqua knit "tweed" suit while Miya #1 wears the denim fishtail skirt because of its maxi length to cover the bent leg issue. 

Miya #1 mixed and matched some of the accessories with the denim skirt as illustrated next.

The denim skirt is worn with a gold halter, and the Xian Xian denim purse is held backward to hide the XX logo. Gold stud earrings complete this look.

Here, the denim skirt is worn with black slingbacks.

Miya chose to replace the slingbacks with black open-toe high heels.

In this last photo, the necklace/waist chain is worn as a waist chain to add some pizzazz to the denim skirt fashion. 

I am pleased with the 2nd Xian Xian Supermodel's lip color and the braid quality.  Will I order the third doll with curly hair? Probably not. These two are enough. 

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  1. Wow, what a nice clothes set! Lots of mixing and matching there. I agree the second doll looks better. I can see she still has the sultry look, but she doesn't look sleepy! Good thing you weren't too worried about keeping her box because that's thrashed.

    1. Thank you! I was told the clothes fit Barbie (some of them anyway). I'll have to play around with this knowledge. The box was totally trash and that's where it went immediately after I photographed it.


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