Thursday, January 23, 2025

Deluxe Style Barbie #4 Unboxed

Deluxe Style Barbie #4

With limited space to store never-removed-from-box dolls, I unboxed Deluxe Style Barbie #4 (a 2024 Christmas present). This doll uses the Daya sculpt so I'll refer to her as Daya. 

From L-R, the back of the box features Daya (#4), #3, #1, and #2.

This close-up is a better illustration of the collection.

Straight out of the box, she struck a few poses with her petite articulated body. This is one pose. 

Daya's extra articulation is at the elbows, wrists, and knees. From Mattel's description, she wears a fleece "two-piece outfit featuring a dramatic faux fur collar. Her strappy heels are accentuated by flouncy pant cuffs! [Daya] pairs her outfit with heart-shaped sunnies, a pink purse, and silvery statement jewelry." 

She has long pink and brown microbraids.

Because of Daya's pink fashion, I knew I would display her with these recently redressed dolls.

She joined her girls here and in the next two pictures where they are displayed.

Daya and her girls are displayed on the right corner of my desk.

Daya's petite size allows her to fit in nicely with the others.


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©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

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  1. She's a pretty doll and I don't mind her outfit, but I think she looks like she doesn't belong considering the clothes on the other dolls. lol I love the microbraids they keep using.

    1. They all said in unison, "We were here first, but we'll let you join us." I love your observations, Michelle.

    2. I didn't want you to think I didn't like her clothes! It's a cute outfit although not something I would wear. A little too much fluff on me for it to look good. lol Now she needs her own pretty pink dress!

    3. I understood you. I wouldn't wear most of the clothes my dolls are dressed in, but I can dress vicariously through them. She might get her own pink dress in the future if I find one that suits her petite body. She'd look great in Deluxe Style Barbie #3's baby-doll-style dress. (See the back-of-the-box image in this post.)

    4. Empire-waist dress better describes Deluxe Style Barbie #3's dress.

    5. Oh yeah, I forgot she's petite so it will be harder to find a dress that suits. I like that empire waist one too and the tights are nice!


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