Friday, May 24, 2019

Glimma Girlz

Glimma Girlz as seen at Family Dollar

I saw the Glimma Girlz dolls at Family Dollar last week.  Made by the same company that makes Sparkle Girlz dolls and fashions, Funville, these 11-1/2-inch fashion dolls were available in a variety of fashions for $5.75.  Because I collect fashion doll clones and because I like this doll's head sculpt, I asked my grandson, who was with me, to choose which one I should buy.

The chosen one
My grandson chose the one wearing the asymmetrical faux leather black skirt with black and white striped midriff top.  I asked him several times if he was certain this was the one I should buy.  He continued to answer, "Yes."

Once at home, the Glimma Girlz doll was removed from the box and photographed still attached to the box liner.
After removing the doll from the box, I found her pencil-thin, shapeless legs very disappointing.  "She's still a pretty doll and I can always rebody her," I thought.  Still attached to the liner in the above photograph, is a black handbag and silver star-shaped brush.

Close-up of her super thin legs.
Removing the doll and her two accessories from the box liner was a snap.  She was attached with a large rubber band around her waist.  Plastic fasteners held her legs and accessories in place.  These were removed with scissors.

She has long straight rooted black hair.
The hair was held under one large rubber band that was wrapped around her shoulders from front-to-back.

The sides of her hair were pulled to the back and held in place with a rubber band underneath the loose hair
The front of her hair is parted in the middle.  A small section of each side is pulled back underneath the rest of her loose hair and held together with a rubber band, as illustrated above.

I undressed her to see if she can wear Sparkle Girlz clothing.

The distributor's name and serial number are branded on her back as illustrated here.
As indicated, Glimma Girlz dolls are manufactured by Funville but Midwoods Brand, LLC, a subsidiary of Family Dollar Stores, Inc., is the distributor as noted by the stamp on this doll's back.  Glimma Girlz dolls are possibly a Family Dollar exclusive.

Before I could try one Sparkle Girlz fashion on this doll, I noticed black stains on the front and back of her legs!  Ugh!

Black stains are on the front of both legs.
The black stains shown above correspond with the asymmetrical front hemline of the black faux leather skirt where it touched the doll's legs in the stained areas.

Black stains are also on the back of both legs.
For a split second, I thought about using an acne cream with 10% benzoyl peroxide to remove the stains.  I decided instead to box her up and return to the store, which is what I did as well as explain the reason for the return to the clerk.  I wondered if I should buy another wearing a different outfit.  "No," was my answer because the thin legs bother me and there is really no need for me to invest in a body for the head.

So if you see these dolls at your Family Dollar, steer clear of any that are dressed in black clothes.


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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  1. Glimma Girlz reminds me of a James Brown lyric where he sings, "... will take you, skinny legs and all."

    1. ...or Joe Tex's "Skinny Legs" song.

      And don't you worry about a doggone thing a'tall, huh huh
      Because there's some man, somewhere, who'll take you baby, skinny legs and all.



  2. Too bad if I were your grandson would say to buy the 3 but with these conditions is sad indeed.


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