Thursday, February 6, 2025

Eve's Shoes

Eve needed shoes.

After reading a past blog post about my Colonial Williamsburg 6-inch cloth doll Eve, a very kind woman named Molly offered the 12-inch version to me. Molly received her Eve as a child after learning Eve's story. Molly wanted a good home for Eve. She contacted me and I accepted the doll. Molly shared that Eve was missing her socks and shoes. 

12-inch Eve did arrive in need of replacement shoes.

A full-length picture and this close-up were taken before shoemaking for Eve commenced.

Six-inch Eve's sewn-on cloth shoes were used as a guide to make the 12-inch doll's removable shoes.

Before shoe-making began, Eve's feet and ankles were Saran-wrapped.

After wrapping both feet with Saran wrap, I created shoes using masking tape. The area of the foot to represent a slip-on shoe was wrapped with strips of masking tape. In the photo above, one layer of masking tape for the left shoe had been applied.  

This is one formed shoe created with masking tape.

With one shoe formed, I began placing masking tape on the other Saran-wrapped foot.

Both formed shoes

Approximately three layers of masking tape were applied to each Saran-wrapped foot to create slip-on shoes. 

The shoes were Mod Podged and hung on doll stands to dry.

After removing the shoes from the doll's feet and cutting off most of the excess Saran wrap, I painted each shoe with several layers of Mod Podge and allowed each layer to dry by hanging the shoes on doll stands. This process was repeated at least three times to stiffen the masking tape.

I fashioned square buckles on each shoe using masking tape.

I created square masking tape buckles over horizontal straps and added these to each shoe. The straps and buckles were next Mod Podged in place. 

Eve's partially painted shoes.

A mixture of pueblo and nutmeg brown acrylic paints achieved the desired shoe color that closely matches 6-inch Eve's shoes.

The buckles were painted nutmeg brown.

The remaining Saran wrap was removed from the shoe edges and the edges were trimmed with scissors. A final layer of paint and Mod Podge was applied around the edges to cover missing painted areas. 

The shoe soles were painted, too.

Eve wears the shoes well.

The two Eves model their shoes. 

12-inch Eve and her mini 6-inch version posed together.

While awaiting the arrival of a third Colonial Williamsburg doll that I recently gained knowledge of, the Eves posed for the above photo together.

6-inch and 12-inch Eve are now joined by another 6-inch cloth Colonial Williamsburg doll, Bristol.

Bristol is another 6-inch Colonial Williamsburg doll that I found in an online auction after learning about his existence.  The two Eves were released in 1998. Bristol was added to the Colonial Williamsburg line of cloth dolls in 2003. The two Eves awaited his arrival for a week before all three dolls were placed in a curio cabinet.

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  1. Oh, I love her feet! So much detail for a cloth doll. As usual, your DIY is nicely done. The little guy is really cute.

    1. I thought the same thing about big Eve's feet when I saw them for the first time. Thank you!


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