Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Black Barbie 45th Anniversary

Black Barbie 45th

As written on the back of this lovely doll's box in English and several other languages, "Barbie™ celebrates Black History Month with a 45th-anniversary tribute to the first ever Black Barbie® and her creator Kitty (Louvenia) Black Perkins."

This lovely doll is seen in a full-view photo.

Designed by Kitty Black Perkins, this deep-complexioned doll uses the Simone head sculpt, has a ModelMuse body, and wears a red satin slim silhouette gown. This doll's predecessors are shown below.

The 1st Black Barbie from 1980 is joined by the 30th Anniversary reproduced 1st Black Barbie (2010), and the 40th Anniversary 1st Black Barbie (2020).

Read more about Black Barbie 45th in the doll's Virtual Black Doll Museum installation here.

Other Related Links
40th Anniversary 1st Black Barbie


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  1. She's gorgeous! I like that they stuck with the color scheme in clothes but gave her something that was different than the first 3.

  2. They did a great job with this one. Her neckline is bare, but I'll get used to it.

    1. You will have to find her some nice jewelry! I like the others too it was just nice to see them branch out a bit!

    2. That's a thought. I've seen others do that with their dolls, but this one will probably remain in its unopened box.


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