Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Jaelece's New Pigtail

Jaelece, a polymer clay doll is seen in her original photo from 2010.

Jaelece, an 11-inch folk art doll is made of polymer clay.  She is permanently attached to a vintage alphabet block that bears the first initial of her name.  Kept on a shelf of my personal desk in front of a pencil holder, while reaching for a pen or pencil, I have accidentally bumped Jaelece on more than one occasion causing her to tumble to the desktop or onto the floor.  Recently she fell one time too many causing the tip of one of her pigtails to break.

Jaelece's new pigtail (fatter than the original) has been air dried and ready for painting.

I used air drying clay to fashion another pigtail for her.  After it dried, I painted it as well as the rest of her molded hair.

Jaelece's new pigtail and original ones have been painted.

Jaelece and sister, Patsy

She's ready to be placed back on the shelf with her sister Patsy.  Now, however, to prevent future falls, the pencil holder is in front of the girls.



  1. You are such a Miss Fixit! They are cutie pies.

    1. Yes, different and cute. Love the vintage blocks on which they stand. Seller has one standing on a D that was so tempting, but I was good.


  2. Phew, glad that was such an easy fix! I can't believe these were made out of cool! Love little sis's expression. :)

    1. Since I've been dabbling in air drying clay a bit, I thought it wouldn't hurt to give the repair a try. It seemed simple enough.

      Little Sis looks like she is wondering "what is really going on here?".


  3. Awesome job! You can't even tell she was pushed off the shelf. Lol.

    1. Oh gosh, now I am being blamed for doll abuse.

      Maybe it was her sister who pushed her.


  4. These are charming and just beg for a place to be seen. I collect pottery with sculptural qualities, and don't usually dabble in figurines, but these would attract me. They are almost Hummel-like yet much more affecting. And having a matte finish gives them such a thoughtful quality, keeping them from being too sentimental, which I would shy away from. Nice find.

    1. Figurines usually don't appeal to me, but there are exceptions to every rule.

      I do love their old-fashioned appeal and you're absolutely right about the matte finish. Had they been glossy, I probably would have shied away from them too.

      You have such a great eye for detail.



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