Monday, March 20, 2017

Maya's New Doll

A 6-inch friend of Hitty arrived wrapped in a vintage handkerchief, tucked securely inside a bubble wrap envelop.

Before Rose arrived, I had planned to use her as a doll for a larger doll, Maya.  Both dolls have the same artist.  I thought they would pair well together.  In person, however, Rose looked too mature to be Maya's doll.  Before the vintage beige and purple handkerchief-wrapped doll, arrived, Maya had remained doll-less.

Mimi, friend of Hitty, by Sue Sizemore

I purchased "Mimi," (named by me) after her artist, Sue Sizemore, offered the tiny friend of Hitty in a Facebook post.  Mimi is an oil-painted cloth doll with jointed arms and legs.  Her hair is painted as are her one-piece undergarment, white socks, and black boots.

Mimi poses from the back.  She can sit or stand.
To illustrate her minute size, in this size-comparison photo, Mimi is joined by American Girl's mini Cécile Ray.

Mimi needed a dress.  I had thought about using the vintage handkerchief to make a dress for her and did find simple instructions to make one here.  Checking what I have on hand is always my first rule of thumb.  (Use what you have first, Debbie.)

In the doll trunk, where clothing for 5- to 10-inch dolls is stored, I found a hand-crocheted dress and matching bonnet that was formerly worn by a 7-inch doll by master doll carver, Floyd Bell.  Mimi claimed it as hers.

Doesn't she have the most precious face?

The dress fits as though it were made for Mimi.  We are both quite pleased.

With her dress and bonnet on, Mimi was eager to meet Maya.  The two were introduced and formed an inseparable bond.

Maya is happy to finally have a doll to hold and Mimi is enjoying being that doll.

It's amazing how well the color of Mimi's dress matches Maya's.

In due time, I knew eventually the right doll would surface for Maya.  Just like the dress Mimi wears seems made for her, Mimi appears to have been made especially for Maya!

Follow my sister blog Ebony-Essence of Dolls in Black
Check out my eBay listings here.


  1. Great crochet outfit for Mimi. I think Maya and Mimi look great together too.

    1. Thank you, MDW. The crochet outfit is very nice.


  2. Awww! They're adorable together.

  3. Maya and Mimi were meant for each other; coordinating dresses are the perfect touch.

    1. Thank you, Gini! I think they were meant for each other, too.


  4. They make the perfect match. The coordinating clothes sealed the deal.

    1. The clothes are a perfect match. So glad I looked in the small doll clothing trunk. I have had the crocheted dress stored for about 8 years.


  5. Shie gorgeous!! The hand crocheted dress and bonnet is just perfect and you don't quite realise how tiny she is until she's in Maya's arms! 😍

    1. Thanks, Julius!

      Mimi is a tiny little precious little thing.



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