Thursday, January 24, 2019

First Dolls for 2019

Team Stacie scientist, a boyfriend of Chelsea, and Chelsea

Recently, I saw Ms. Leo's post about her Team Stacie scientist.  I looked for the doll on a recent trip to a Target store where three were in stock.  I examined each to see if there were any obvious imperfections or facial differences.  I did not notice any head sculpt differences but there were some imperfections in the vinyl on the face of two.  I chose the best of the three to come home with me.

Stacie is a 9-inch all vinyl doll dressed in a pink floral dress.
She wears white, low-top sneakers.

Accessories include a microscope, beakers, test tubes with holder, a flask and tubing, goggles and... 

...a white lab coat.
Stacie has brown hair pulled up into one Afro puff; brown eyes, and an open, smiling mouth.
When comparing my doll's face with Ms. Leo's, my doll uses a completely different sculpt.  (See the link to Ms. Leo's posts below.)

Earlier that day, while at Walmart (where I tagged along with my husband who needed to go there for something he needed,) I saw Chelsea and a boy her size.  Chelsea is newly released (box date 2018), but the boy has a box date of 2017.  This was my first time seeing him in a store.  They came home with me, too.

Chelsea and unnamed boyfriend that I might name Logan
They are both 5-1/2-inch all-vinyl dolls.  Chelsea has brown curly hair and wears a red headband.  Both have brown eyes and smiling mouths with painted teeth.  Chelsea wears a yellow molded-on tank top with a pineapple and tiny hearts painted on the front, lavender polka dot fabric skirt, and pink rubber sandals.  The boy has brown molded hair and wears a one-piece white fabric top and light blue/aqua fabric shorts with gray low-top sneakers.

The little ones' shoes are shown above.

My Life as Gymnast 18-inch doll with prosthetic leg seen at Walmart

What I did not buy while at Walmart that day was a My Life As Gymnast doll that represents a gymnast who is an amputee with a prosthetic leg from the knee down with a flex-foot-type system that is designed for running, or in her case, gymnastics.  My husband brought the doll to my attention, which is when I took the above photo and the one below.

A closer look at the gymnast's prosthetic leg and Running Blade-type foot
I didn't buy the gymnast then and regretted not doing so.  "You want the unusual in your collection," my husband said, which makes sense, but I also want what warms my heart at first sight.

The links to Ms. Leo's Team Stacie posts are below:
Ms. Leo's Team Stacie
Ms. Leo's Second AA Team Stacie


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  1. I'm not really into this Stacie dolls, but this one is very cute. I still haven't seen the Babysitter Skipper dolls in my area, so there aren't many chances that we get the Team Stacie line.
    Take care.

    1. I think she's cute too and needed her to add to my black Skipper/Janet/Stacie collection. This one is available at Target . com.

  2. Congrats! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do!

    1. I am sure I will, Ms. Leo. I need another to debox.


  3. I received the little Chelsea and matching boy from my godson's (ages 9 and 5) for Christmas to represent me and my boyfriend and I thought it was so cute and thoughtful #2Cute.

    I loved seeing them in your blog!


  4. I picked up that Chealsea too! I found one randomly in a decimated toy aisle in a department store here during the summer holidays. And I don’t even collect child dolls but I couldn’t resist her Afro...which when I brushed it out of her box hair went super big...but she looks cute in the Dreamhouse...I’m just trying to work out if she’s someone’s little sister or a visiting neighbour...since I don’t really do families....and all my Barbie’s are independent working women (you know choices). But love your finds! 😍

    1. I am glad you have Chelsea too. I'm sure you'll figure out a place for her. Doesn't she have a lot of hair for such a little girl? I had to have her. She needed a friend or brother so the little boy had to come with her.


  5. The Stacie doll and her accessories are the cutest.

    I like the idea of buying dolls that immediately tug at your heart. Saves on having to sell something later ;-)

    1. Thanks, D7ana.

      Unless you're in the business of buying dolls to resell, buying what you like is always best.



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