Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cécile and Marie-Grace, New American Girl Dolls

Image from the American Girl website

Cécile Rey and Marie-Grace Gardner, representing girls of 1853 New Orleans, are new dolls in the American Girl historic line.  I found out about this soon-to-be released pair after reading an update by doll-friend, Margaret, who pens the Fashions for the 18-inch Dolls in Your Life blog.   On Margaret's blog, readers are kept abreast of information about, and clothing for, 18-inch American Girl and AG-type dolls.  

I browsed the American Girl website, read more about the dolls, and viewed a video (that is no longer online).

After 25 years, I am delighted AG has added another African American doll to the historic line whose story differs greatly from Addy Walker's, former enslaved enslaved child's escape-to-freedom story.

If you collect American Girl dolls or know a parent who might be interested in purchasing the new girls and their books, the dolls can be preordered now at the American Girl website and will be in their outlet stores on August 30, 2011.   

Thanks again, Margaret, for keeping us informed on everything new in the 18-inch doll world.



  1. I loved the Addy books and will be interested to see how they handled Cecile's story.

  2. This is very nice to see! Thanks for keeping us informed. Now I feel like driving up to the American Girl store. Not to see this doll, because she's not there yet, but just because.

  3. Margaret - You're welcome.

    Limbe Dolls - Based on what I've read and heard (listening to the video of the two authors describing the girls and their stories) I think they will be well written, interesting books.

    Vanessa -- I think you should line up with the other American Girls on August 30, 2011, to see the dolls up close and personal and witness the enthusiasm of others as they anticipate their purchases.

    I own Addy (two in fact) and Kaya, the Native American. I want Cécile and her book, but I will hold off on preordering for now.


  4. I just may do that. As you can see, I didn't look at the video. I am trying to catch up on blogs without spending half my day doing it. I'm not sure I can handle all those little girls at one time though. Not to mention I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy the store like I want with all of those people. We shall see.


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