Thursday, September 28, 2023

Purpose Toys Fade Collection

Greg is part of the Fade Collection by Purpose Toys

Earlier this month, Purpose Toys (makers of Naturalistas and Latinistas fashion dolls) announced the soon-to-be-released Fade Collection. This collection celebrates Black barber culture with various hairstyles, textures, and "cuts" worn by Black boys and men. The first doll, Greg, is scheduled to be in Target stores in October 2023. Some collectors have already purchased Greg in their local stores.

Read The Toy Insider article about the Fade Collection here

Related Links:
Naturalistas Liya.
Naturalistas Dayna.

©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Redressed QueBan Dolls

Beitz wears most of her new school fashion.

I recently redressed my first two QueBan dolls, Jesui and Vaddon, in school outfits. After Beitz arrived, I decided to redress her, too. She is shown above wearing most of her new school fashion.

In this picture, Beitz puts on her pink and white herringbone hooded jacket. The jacket is trimmed with pink faux fur around the hood and sleeves.

She wears the complete fashion that includes the hooded jacket, a sleeveless pink knit mock turtleneck, a black and white houndstooth pleated skirt, pink knit over-the-knee stockings, and black lace-up boots.

Finally, Beitz models her before and after fashions.

Next, Jesui models her before and after fashions.

Miss blue-haired Vaddon models her before and after fashions.

The three girls posed together in the final photo. 

They look adorable. 

I purchased these clothes either earlier this year or late last year with plans to redress my first two QueBan dolls (Jesui and Vaddon). It took the purchase of the third girl, Beitz, for this planned redressing to take place. The clothes are made to fit 1/6 30 cm. BJD dolls. The dolls were purchased on Amazon.


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©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Third QueBan BJD

Beitz is a 1/6 scale BJD by QueBan.

I had contemplated buying Beitz, QueBan's redheaded 1/6 scale BJD for months. I finally made the purchase a few weeks ago and just recently removed the doll from the shipping package, photographed her, and sat down to write this blog post. 

Photographs include Beitz in the box (as illustrated above) and the back of the box (as illustrated below).

The back of the box provides a description of QueBan's 1/6 MJD BJD dolls and describes Beitz as a "Cool Girl."

Beitz's size is incorrectly shown on the back of the box as about 30 cm/ 9 inch(es). However, the doll is 11 inches tall.

Each QueBan doll has a back story. "Beitz is a talented student from the lab who loves to use the computer to create different websites. She loves to play computer games with her friends. She wears a bright silver fashion suit, which is her favorite outfit to wear in front of the computer."

Beitz wears a silver lamé jacket and pants with a black tank top and black lace-up boots.

My first MJD BJD by QueBan (Jesui) arrived in July of 2022. The second one (Vaddon) arrived less than a month later. They all have weird names. 

For months, I hesitated ordering Beitz because I didn't care much for her space-age looking costume. In person, the costume is not bad looking, and of the three QueBan dolls that I now own, this doll's shoes fit the best. 

Like all the dolls in the current line that are this scale and made of vinyl, Beitz has blue eyes and applied upper eyelashes. Their hair is also rooted.

The index fingers on the extra pair of hands are curled under.

Beitz's ponytail extends below her waist.

Except for clothing, hair color, and style, all QueBan 1/6 vinyl MJD BJDs are alike as illustrated in the following combined photos of the three that I own.

Jesui, Vaddon, and Beitz are inexpensive 11-inch 1/6 MJD BJD vinyl dolls by QueBan.

When I purchased Jesui in 2022, the price for the dolls was around $29.99. Beitz's 2023 price was $16.99 (another reason I decided to purchase). At the time of this post, Beitz's Amazon price is a few dollars more than what I paid for my doll but far less than the 2022 price. Below, I've added Amazon buy links for the three I own and two others that are not part of my collection—one with lavender hair and another one that has pink hair.


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©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Black Dolls Exhibition Opening Weekend

Black Dolls exhibit at The Strong National Museum of Play

The Black Dolls exhibit from the collection of Debra Neff that was on display at the New-York Historical Society last year has now traveled to The Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, NY. It opens at The Strong on September 23, 2023, and will run through January 7, 2024. The image above and the two that follow this paragraph were copied from an email announcement from The Strong.

Additionally, I was asked and agreed to once again loan my black and white versions of Effanbee's 1968 Twinkie dolls for a special exhibit detailing their role (via Drs. Kenneth and Mamie Clark's Dolls Test) in the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 decision to end school segregation in U.S. Schools. (The Clarks used several dolls from the 1940s through the 1980s; Effanbee's Twinkie dolls are the last known dolls used by the Clarks in their Dolls Test.) My Twinkie dolls had also been on display when the exhibition was at the N-Y Historical Society from February 24, 2022, through June 5, 2022. 

The two Twinkies traveled to New York again on August 22, 2023, where they will remain until the current exhibition at The Strong ends on January 7, 2024.

I captured photo documentation of the dolls' preparation for departure as follows.

The shipping box used to return the Twinkies to me after their N-Y Historical Society exhibition was used for their return trip to New York.

I wrapped each Twinkie in tissue paper.

The tissue-paper-wrapped dolls were placed inside foam cutouts.

Once inside the foam cutouts, I covered each doll with the top of its foam cutout.

I covered the dolls with a top layer of foam.

Next, a styrofoam cover sheet was inserted.

Placing the box top on the shipper and taping it in place was the last thing I did before the dolls were picked up. I did not photograph the box with the top in place.

After the dolls were on the delivery truck, the transporters remained in the truck cab for several minutes before driving off. Attempting to be inconspicuous, I peeked through the front window the entire time recording the truck as it sat and as it departed. 

Am I an overprotective documentation geek when it comes to my dolls? You bet I am!

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©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Fashion Doll Loot

The contents of a recent fashion doll clothing and shoe order are illustrated.

After JHD Midnight Orchid YaYa arrived and my need for clothes and shoes for my new fashion-doll muse became apparent, I went budget fashion-doll clothes and shoe shopping. The above photo illustrates the packaged items that totaled $29. The photos below were captured from the website source of the order, and pictures of Midnight Orchid YaYa modeling most of these items are below the website photos.

Website Photos

I ordered and received a random assortment of 10 fashion doll shoes. YaYa was able to wear 6 of the 10 pairs of shoes. Other dolls will enjoy the other 4.

From a separate listing, one black and one gray pair of high-heels were ordered that fit YaYa well.

From the above selection, I chose the white and the red ballet dresses. The lacy bodice is strapless on each, and the flared skirt is layered tulle.

I also ordered office suits in black and white houndstooth, and light green, pink, and tan tweed. Decorative buttons accent the suit jackets. 

The last two ordered items were a pink floral skirt suit with knee-high tights and a white top with a burgundy striped pencil skirt. The skirt appears to be bright red striped but it is actually burgundy or deep red. Note the incorrect placement of the buttons on the pink floral jacket. Women's buttons should be on the left*.

Midnight Orchid YaYa Models the Shoes That Fit

These are the randomly selected 10 shoes I received. The six pairs on the left fit YaYa's foot. The other four do not.

YaYa models the red slingbacks, lavender cut-out sandals, and purple ballet shoes.

Orange high-heels, black high-heels, and butterfly-embellished pink heels fit well.

These black high heels were purchased separately along with...

...these gray high-heels which both fit YaYa well.

Midnight Orchid YaYa Models the Clothes 

The bodice of the white ballet dress has a slightly loose fit, but YaYa can still wear it. It is worn with the separately purchased gray shoes.

YaYa wears the red slingbacks with the red ballet dress.

YaYa tried on the black and white houndstooth skirt without the jacket and with the red slingbacks.

She looks so sharp with the jacket added.

The gray shoes pair well with this suit.

YaYa still wears the gray heels but with the light green tweed suit which came with a white crop top.

A pink sparkly bandeau and pink butterfly-accented heels are the perfect complements for the pink tweed suit. 

YaYa strikes a glamorous pose while wearing the complete pink tweed ensemble.

From this rear view, the butterflies on the pink heels are visible.

A gold bandeau made of faux leather and the tan tweed suit are worn with the gray high heels here.

The same tan ensemble is worn with orange heels.

The pink floral suit includes a white crop top and white over-the-knee stockings; however, the stockings are too narrow to extend above YaYa's upper calves. 

With the too-small stockings removed and the jacket added, YaYa assumed another striking pose. *Left-sided placement of buttons on shirts, blouses, and jackets designed for women is the norm. The faux pearl buttons on this jacket are on the right.

The dark-red striped skirt with the red-button- accented white blouse was the last fashion from this purchase that YaYa tried on. She wears this fashion with black high heels first.

This fashion looks good with the gray high heels as well.

YaYa enjoyed modeling her new clothes and shoes. Afterward, she decided to continue wearing Mattel's reproduction of the 1965 Barbie Matinee Fashion #1640 opting to wear the red slingbacks instead of the red pumps worn with it previously. 

I am convinced that YaYa looks good in just about anything she wears, but red and lighter colors are better for her.

I looped and tightened a clear rubber band around the heel straps of these shoes and placed YaYa's feet through the open loop of the rubber band before placing her feet inside the shoes. The rubber band creates a mock ankle strap that will prevent the shoes from falling off. I can also use a red rubber band for a one-color look.

The attached scarf on the hat can hang loose as illustrated on the right, but YaYa has chosen to wrap it around her neck as illustrated on the left.

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©Black Doll Collecting/dbg

There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.


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