The above dolls were purchased on eBay between August 9, 2021, and August 15, 2021.
This is a Rheinische Gummi und Celluloid-Fabrik, circa 1920 baby. |
The above 16-inch celluloid character baby boy with brown intaglio eyes, black sculpted and painted straight hair, arrived from Bournemouth, England wearing a white knit undershirt, a light blue hand-knit romper, and white nylon socks. The facial sculpt (which was used for both white and black dolls) and the intaglio eyes interested me. The period in which it was made was also a deciding factor for adding it to my collection. See his museum installation
Dollie & Me AA Denim |
It had been my desire to add one of each Madame Alexander's 18-inch doll sculpts to my collection. This doll completed that attempt. This doll was a Kohl's exclusive and received the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Best Toy Award for the year it was released. The copyright year on the box reads
2119; it should read 2019. This error might make the doll and the box more valuable on the secondary market. She is a keeper for me, however. This doll was first introduced in a blog post
here. It is also installed in my Virtual Black Doll Museum along with other 18-inch Madame Alexander dolls
Fashionista Barbie 105 |
After using my first Fashionista Barbie 105 for a
doll Christmas tree dress project in 2020, I replaced the doll with this August 15, 2021, eBay purchase. It took me a while to replace the doll that was released in 2018 because prices on the secondary market were as much as $40 for a doll that originally cost $10. This doll, because of its damaged box was only $12 + shipping. View the doll Christmas tree Dress blog post
Links to Previous Posts in This Series About Past Doll Purchases
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